surrender for now

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Time felt still. This room was all that I've known since being taken, and it was slowly driving me crazy. I keep passing out randomly. I can barely tell how many days it's been. Days? Weeks? Maybe just hours? My hunger and thirst is getting stronger as well. I know they're listening. All of them are. I can hear the small hum of a microphone somewhere in the corner. At first I thought it was just me loosing my hearing, but I figured it out. I was always taught to not give in to the temptation, to give in to the evil. But seeing now as I have no other 'choice'. Anything might be a little better than in here. So as I lift my head up and lean it back I say the things they want to hear.

"I'm ready" I croak out, I'll be surprised if they can even tell what I'm saying. I lick my chapped lips and continue, "please let me be taken inside". I cough from the lack of moisture in my throat. I hang my head low like before, I feel myself drift off to sleep yet again.

Time skip

Third person POV

Rose woke up to the loud sound of the heavy door being unlocked and pushed opened. She lifted her head and with tired eyes made out three figures. Those three figures being no other than Sam, Danny, and Josh. They walked around the room for a second. Soon she met the sweet release of pressure from her wrist, ankles, chest. The chains and ropes kept getting looser and looser from around her body. She could finally breath properly, you could almost see a slight smile on her poor beaten face. Her body felt so weak that when she was finally free from her restraint she almost tipped out of the chair. But hands caught her and held her in place. Soon Rose was lifted up into strong arms. Sam had her snug in his affection. Her head leaned against his chest and her body felt like a feather to him. He stood there looking down at her. At this point Rose was already slipping in and out of consciousness. Danny came over and laid a small blanket over her. Josh turned off the lights and held the door open. The other three existed the room into the hall, Josh locked the door again and they all headed out of the building. Soon they were outside, it was gloomy and cold. A light sprinkle of rain fell. They walked in silence and entered the house through the back door. Coming through the kitchen the others waited in one of the living rooms. When they finally entered Ronnie gasped and stood immediately. She looked over Rose.

"Get her up stairs now" she said shortly. Sam nodded his head. He followed behind his sister as she lead everyone up the stairs, down the hall, and into the new room. The room was located closest to Jakes. Sam set her on the soft bed. Ronnie and Josie came up beside the body and started working on getting her shirt off but soon stopped. Ronnie glanced over her shoulder and finally turned around.

"We need some privacy" she informed in a stern tone.

"That's ridiculous, why can't we stay?" Sam said back with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, we can help" Danny added from the end of the bed.

"We need to bathe her and treat her and that all involves getting undress, so leave" Ronnie said back while crossing her arms. Josie stayed quite behind her but nodded in agreement.

"That's the more reason to stay" Sam said back in a sly tone. Ronnie hit him the arm.

"You can kidnap her but as boys you can certainly not see her exposed like this without consent, now it's time for you all to go" Ronnie said while shoving all three boys out, locking the door behind them. She rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing. She held up Rose while Josie carefully slid the shirt all the way off this time. Ronnie started undoing the buttons of her jeans when she started to stir awake. Rose started to wiggle from the grasp the two girls had on her.

"Shhhh, it's ok. We won't hurt you" Ronnie said trying to comfort her. She stroked her hand over her hair.

"Just relax, we're gonna take care of you" Josie said in her sweet voice. Rose calmed down and let the ladies do what they needed.

From outside the room the three boys stood there for a minute. Sam jiggled the knob even though he heard it lock. He was still a little frustrated that they weren't allowed to stay. But soon got over it and shrugged his shoulders.

"We should probably tell Jake" Josh said while walking down the hall. Danny and Sam didn't say anything but followed.

Jake has been resting for some time now. The bullet wound had been getting better but he was still so sore. Ronnie kept him cooped up in his room, telling him that Rose was in the house would finally give him some excuse to get out and move a little. The boys finally made it to his door. They didn't bother knocking, specially Josh as he just walked in. The room was warm to them. It was dim and barely any light shined through the curtains. Jakes body was half covered and soft snores fell from his mouth. Sam moved around his room and fell beside him on the bed. Josh sat on the other side of Jake and Danny took a seat next to Josh. Sam rolled over and lightly shook Jakes shoulder. He shook him again until he started to stir awake from his sleep. He groaned and turned over to see his little brother in his face. He jerked back a little from the small proximity.

"Jeez Sam" Jake groaned out. Sam chuckled a little, "what's going on?" Jake questioned while rubbing his eyes.

"We got some news" Danny answered back in a excited voice. Jake stopped his motioned and waited for him to continue, "Rose is here."

(OH MY GOODNESS. I've missed writing so much. I hadn't have time for it in a while, but believe me I'm trying!!! Hopefully I can get some more chapters out soon. I got so many ideas for this book. Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy😋😋)

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