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(So sorry I've been gone for so long 😬 but here's another chapter for ya. It's been hard to even post on my ig account let alone write a whole chapter for this book because of school and stuff. But I'm so happy everyone is liking it. Enjoy😋)

Third person POV

When Rose finally woke up she would of traded anything to feel relief of the pain she was undergoing. She felt as though every bone in her body was either broken or about to snap. But that didn't stop her from still being in survival mode. She looked all around. Just smooth dark pavement walls surrounded her. She pulled at her wrist and winced at the sharp pain digging in her skin. Her body was throbbing. Rose could almost feel every blood vessel pop within her. It was unbelievable cold, and almost every short breath she took she could see. The thunder and cracks of lightning only made her more scared. She felt dirty. Blood and dirt soaked into her clothing and the surface of her body. She tried to scream but only a small and rusty croak escaped her lungs. Her head was spinning and the pain was unbearable. Her chest felt compressed. She started to silently cry to herself. Clear small tears rolled down her face and all she wanted was to be home again. In the middle of her small breakdown there was a loud creak from outside the door. A slam, almost like a big heavy door. Her breathing quickened and the sound of people walking filled the air. She heard whispers of many voices. She kept her head down and pretended to be asleep. After many locks being un-locked the door swung open. And the people that was just outside the door shuffled in.

"The poor girl" a female voice finally spoke. Rose could hear her come close, a hand gently pressed against her face and went down feeling her neck and shoulders. "She's freezing cold! You're lucky she didn't die from hyperthermia" the female exclaimed.

"Is she even alive?" Ahh, Rose knew that voice. She knew that one well, or she used to. The person she thought was her friend. It was hard for her to listen to his voice, she was so tempted to cry.

"Let's find out" a deep gruff voice echoed.

"Josh don't" the female pleaded almost. There was a clinking sound.

That's when Rose felt it. Ice cold water splash upon her head. It slid down her back and soaked in. She inhaled a sharp breath and jerked in the chair. Her head snapped up to meet the eyes of someone dangerous. Josh threw the metal bucket aside and Rose flinched at the loud sound. It only made her head pound more. She was drenched once again.

"Good morning sunshine" Josh said cockily. He was leaning down in front of her. A smug grin on his face. Rose noticed the bandage on the side of his head and smirked a little. She looked passed him saw Sam standing against the door frame, it was wide open. There was nothing but a wall, making her realize she was only apart of a hallway. Next to Sam was the girl she heard before. She looked concerned and worried. Rose looked at her with desperation in her eyes. She let out a sigh.

"I'm waiting outside" she gave Sam a dirty look and walked away. Sam chuckled to himself and closed the door. That's when Josh finally stood straight. They both started to circle her like sharks. Rose never felt so little.

"You know it's impolite to not respond" Sam said in a low tone. He stopped right behind the chair and caressed her shoulders. Rose jerked away from the touch.

"Fùck. You." She said through gritted teeth. Josh was in front of her again. He shook his head and scrunched his nose. Quickly, he grabbed Rose's face in one hand and pulled it closer to his.

"That's not how you talk to people" he said staring daggers at her. He released her face and stood up again.

"You know we have a room waiting for you" Sam said to kill the silents.

"He's right" Josh continued, "you could be patched up, clean from a shower, in a nice warm bed, but no. You choose to stay out here"

"I didn't get to choose anything" Rose said back, light tears started to fall again. Sam's eyes went soft for a minute, but he couldn't let himself slip so he looked away and walked behind her again.

"You're right, you didn't, but you could make the situation a little better for yourself and you never do" Josh kept going on, "but with everything comes time. Soon you'll like us, even love us" He looked away heading for the door, Sam trailed behind.

"I'll never love people like you" Rose called after him. Josh stopped halfway through opening the door. He glanced over his shoulder.

"We'll see about that" Josh simply said. He let Sam and himself exit the room. Rose was left alone. The sounds of the many locks once again being set. She wouldn't give in. She'll never allow herself to fall any one of them, never.

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