let do this .

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"im so sorry, sir." the kid said as he rushed to his knees attempting to dry off sehun's shoes with his sleeve.

"why are you in my way? move, you idiot" sehun pushed him off his leg and his glasses fell off his face.

people laughed around them, while others silently whispered.

"oh, do you need these?" sehun held the glasses up.

"yes, please." the kid begged.

sehun tossed it to kai and then to kyungsoo. it rotated for awhile before the kid gave up.

"just keep it."

"who said you could walk away? we're not done yet." he chuckled.

the boy sighed.

"my shoes aren't cleaned yet."

he went down to finish his duties but as he reached the ground he got pushed backwards into the sidewalk.

the courtyard was filled with everyone laughing twice as hard.

the bell rung and everyone scattered back into the school.

"see you around." kai chuckled as he nudged sehun who was laughing much himself.

the trio left the kid alone as he cried on the floor.

five minutes go past as a girl goes up to the freshman and helps.

"are you okay? here are your glasses." she reached and handed them over to him.

"why do you care so much? just go. i don't need anymore pity from people." he grabbed them from her fiercely.

"oh, okay." she got off the floor and kept walking her regular direction.

the kid sat there for awhile before he got up and went into class and acted as if nothing happened.


"that was amazing!" the trio laughed.

"some girl just tried helping him back there. what should we do this time?" kyunsoo nicknamed d.o said.

"i'll think about it." sehun responded.

"do you know what she looks like?" kai asked.

"yeah, i just saw her walk away."


they wandered the halls for a while before they went back to their separate classes.

sehun wants to maintain his perfect grades.

"go to class, we'll meet after school. and find that girl, we're not leaving until we do." sehun pointed at both of them as they nodded.

sehun has this "rule" stating that if he's doing his business then no one can help. even if it's during or after, you can't. or else he'll do the same. it doesn't matter who you are unless you're a teacher, or staff member.


he sat through the math class and took notes for homework later on.

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