is this allowed

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jisoo was walking down the stairs when a group of girls approached her.

"hey jisoo!" some girl waved.

"hi!" she looked her direction and noticed who it was.

"chaeyoung, i haven't seen you in a long time." they exchanged hugs.

"honestly, we're going off campus if you want to join. we're getting sushi too and i know it's your favorite food."

"of course, let me go put my things away."

"i thought you'd say no." the girl chuckled.

"i would never. where do you want to meet?"

"in front of the school in 5 minutes."

"okay. see you soon."


jisoo walked away and to her locker.

"that's one step closer to sehun! you got this girls. don't say anything stupid."

"well duh."

"let's go." the group of four walked around the area.

"look! they're right there!"

"seems like they're going at it."

"they're just hugging. calm down. and is it a good decision to go after a man who already has a girl?"

"yes it is, stop asking questions chuna!"


"he's literally so hot, my hearts going to melt." chaeyoung fanned herself.

"you got this."

chaeyoung took a breath.

"i hope im good enough for him."



"they asked me to go out for lunch them and i said sure."

"do they actually wanna go out with you or you?"

"what's the difference?"

"they either genuinely wanna get close to you or just use you. ive seen it happen. the effect i have on people. it's amazing!" he smiled like a child.

"you're such a baby, and i don't know the answer to that question so we'll just find out, okay?"


they gave each a handshake they made.

"do you want me to go?"

"yes please."

he chuckled.

"i was waiting for you to ask." she exclaimed.

"awh, you're such a baby." he pinched her cheeks.

"let's go, they're probably waiting for me."

she grabbed his hand and they started walking.

"chaeyoung? is it fine if sehun comes a long, he's not doing anything for lunch and i don't want to ditch him."

"oh, of course!"

"who wouldn't want him to join."

sehun nudged her discreetly and she gave him the side eye.

"alright, there's this really cool place that my friend took me too and i think you'd like it sehun." chaeyoung put her hand of his shoulder.

"yeah, i bet he would." jisoo slowly pulled him away and smiled.

"it's called," she thought, "i forgot, but it has to do with noodles."

jisoo turned around and rolled her eyes.

"okay, sounds nice. noodles are my favorite food."

"oh really? i did not know that." she laughed as she placed her hand on his arm.

chuna looked at the hand and arm contact, then to chaeyoung so she got the idea that she shouldn't do that in front of jisoo.

"actually, i forgot, sehun and i were supposed to meet up with a friend else where. i guess i forgot, sorry about that, maybe next time we can plan something."

chaeyoung sighed.

"sure, and maybe both of you can join, it'll be fine if only one of you joined though." she looked straight at sehun who wasn't paying attention.

"yeah, okay, bye." jisoo waved.

"was i wrong?"

"yes, you were."

he raised his eyebrows and let her win.

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