cute !

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"yah jisoo!"

"yes." she turned around.

"im hungry."

"me too."

"let's go on a date." he grabbed her hand.

"uhm okay." she smiled.

"how was your day?" she asked.

"im tired and sick obviously. and my classes were boring."

"sounds like you had a bad day. im sorry."

"no, it's all good. how was yours?"

"it was pretty fun."  she paused.

"aren't you gonna tell me why?"

"since you asked," he chuckled, "i hung out with yuna and she's not that bad and im passing my classes and yeah."

"sounds cool, and tomorrow are soccer tryouts, if you want to watch."

"sure and i thought you weren't playing."

"well i am, im the captain of varsity team."

"oh really? i thought captains were nice."

"i am nice to certain people."

"shouldn't you be nice to all?"

"no because people take advantage of you and make you feel like you're worthless so in a way it's not letting yourself get vulnerable. you know?"

"i get what you're saying, but you beat up people."

"yeah, i know."

she rolled her eyes.

"anyways, the party later on might be cool. im actually happy you're coming."

"im glad im going too."

he looked at her and she smiled.

"i still have homework to do, so i don't answer the door, that's the reason."

"well, your homework could wait. and ill barge into your house if you don't open the door."

"wow, you really want me to go, i feel loved."

"as you should."

she nodded.


they got their food and conversed for a while. jisoo drove home as sehun did the same. they prepared for the party that one of sehuns friends had planned for the evening.

jisoo is gradually opening up to sehun and it's making his plan easier. each day, his goal is get closer to her and so far it's going well.

once jisoo was ready, she rung sehun so he was notified to show up.

but turns out he was already there. as in her house.

for how long you may ask? five minutes.

sehun decided to get to know jisoo's brother.

"...i mean, she's a decent girl. does she argue with you a lot?"

"nope, not at all."

"really, at her old school, she was quite a troubled kid. i guess she calmed down."

"really?! she doesn't seem like the type to argue."

"yeah, many think that, she's changed."

"wow." sehun said amazed.

"anyways, what time are you expecting to come back?"

"i don't know, probably when jisoo wants to." he shrugged.

bad guy | oh sehun Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz