is this right cause it seems wrong

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"yo, sehun. it's time!" do hopped around him.

"for what?"

"remember the plan like from a few months ago?"

he furrowed his eyebrows.

"the one about the girl?"

he was still confused.

"you're supposed to break up with jisoo. it's been longer than usual. as you were supposed to do it as soon as she gained feelings."

"oh. yeah."

he continued.

"i forgot about that."

"well start remembering it. why do you sound disappointed, be happy. this was supposed to happen."

"unless you got soft." he finished.

"no, thats ridiculous." he chuckled.

"ill do it today."

"i already planned this out. first, you start talking to miyeon and the-"

"who's that?"

"head cheerleader, anyways, you two both walk through halls and then she goes for a kiss and you respond back to it and tada, we're finally done."

he thought. "okay. sounds good."

"nice, meet in the hallway in five minutes, i have to look for miyeon."

he nodded.

time went by pretty fast and sehun was just trying to stick to his word and get it over with.

he went to the halls and found miyeon.

"are you miyeon?"

"yes, and i assume you're the oh sehun."

"you're correct."

"i've heard many things about you, you're a bad guy?"

"sure, you can say that." he smiled.

"are you a good kisser, do wanted me to ask just for some background knowledge."

he chuckled.

"i think i am." he stared at her as she smiled with her perfect white teeth.

"and everyone has their opinions right?"

she nodded.

"let's find out yours." he leaned in and she did the same.

and they kissed.

and this point, he wasn't thinking, at all.

she slowly put her arms around his shoulders and pulled her in closer.

miyeon smiled in between.

"there's really no reason for me to be on this floor if my class i-"

"that's not a sight i want to see." she turned around.

"but are you mad?"

"no, not really." she walked down the stairs.

"wow." do ran his hand through his hair.

he walked to the smooching couple, "you can stop now."

"did it work?"

"i think so, miyeon. i hope so."

she laughed.

"you're not bad."

"same for you." he smiled.

"well, see you around." she waved as she walked away.

"yeah, bye."


"are there any questions, if not get back to work. jisoo where's sehun?"

"im not sure, i thought he was walking over, but i guess I'm wrong." she shrugged.


the teacher went back to her seat and sehun came in.

"sorry i was late. i has to deliver mail to the teachers. here's my pass."

"alright, thanks."

he nodded and walked over to jisoo and sat down.

"what are we doing?"

"well maybe if you were here on time then you'd know." she kept writing in the notebook.

"ouch, someone's in a bad mood. you good?" he asked as she ignored.

"alright." he shrugged.

as soon as class ended, jisoo dashed out the door.

she's not gonna cry over some guy in public. or even cry as a matter of fact.


she went home and threw herself on the bed.

"did you have a bad day?" jae asked.

"it was good until it wasn't."

"im kinda mad." she sighed.

"that's tough." he turned around.

"sehun is an asshole and im crazy for dating him."

"that's all, you can go now."

"that's even worse, bye now." he closed the door.

she groaned.

"why am i so dumb." she asked herself.

she called yuna for support.


yuna: hey jisoo
jisoo: hi, im sad
yuna: whyy
jisoo: sehun was kissing some girl in the hallways today and I'm heartbroken.
yuna: he did?! wow, when we dated he said he'll make mistakes but never cheat.
jisoo: oh, that's even more upsetting.
yuna: yeah, i would never expect him to do that.
jisoo: me too.
yuna: well listen. if he's dumb enough to cheat, then he doesn't deserve you. there's better guys out there.
jisoo: yeah, i agree. thanks for the comfort.
yuna: anytime. good luck!
jisoo: thank you, bye!
yuna: bye.

she got herself together and took a breath.

jisoo took a shower and changed her clothing.

she thought about cutting her hair but that's too much work. she's considering going to her dads house. her parents are still together, it's just that work is very distant.

she did homework and got a text from sehun :)

sehunn: are you free tonight?
read 4:38


sehuns been questioning why jisoo is suddenly being cold all of a sudden. he never expected her to change so quick.

"yo, are you okay? you're like spacing out." kai chuckled.

"yeah, im good." he said not so convincing.


"anyways, the party! where is it?"

"at dongmins house." sehun told.

"that's near jisoo's house, is she joining us?" kai said excited.


"they broke up." do said.

"but that's all good because we're not supposed to be dating while training remember?"

"wow, you must be taking this to heart, you'll be good. i hope im good, she was really like a sister."

"you're talking about her like she's dead, calm down, you'll see her on monday." do exclaimed.

"lets go before everything's all gone at the party." do said walking to his car.

and the others followed.

kai sat in the front whereas sehun sat in back all in his feelings.


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