you did what?!

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the next day, jisoo respectfully ignored sehun and he decided to not attract her as well.

everything went regular for the school day. sehun taunted and hurt multiple people, when jisoo wasn't there, just to stay safe.

"this little shit decided to step on my shoes." sehun pushed.

"im sorry!" the kid pleaded.

"sorry won't clean my shoes!"

he pushed the kid into a locker and it was heard by a loud thud.

"ow!" the kid whined and slowly got tearful.

"shut up and get over it, or else."

"what will oh mighty sehun do." jisoo rolled her eyes.

"who are you to talk?" he raised his voice.

"you're not intimidating if that's what you're trying to be."

he pulled out his fist.

"you won't do anything and you know it too."

he hit his hand on the locker next to her which made even more people stop to listen.

she walked away.

he hit his hand even harder on the locker until he noticed he did it too hard.

"bro! what happened? why didn't you anything to her?" he was rushed with questions from kai.

"you said no sucking up for anyone and here you are not doing anything physical to her," do paused. "i'll do something if you don't."

"shut up, i will. after i go to the hospital because i think i broke my hand."

"what'd you do?"

"hit it on the locker."

"you need to calm down and watch out for yourself."

he rolled his eyes and walked to the nurses office to get an excuse to leave.

"he's going soft for her, that's why he won't do anything." do told kai.

they walked away and out to the front of the school.


"what happened to your hand, sehun?" the nurse asked.

"i got mad and punched a locker."

"that's not common of you." she wrapped his hand.

"you need to take care of yourself, and keep ice on it for awhile. And if you start to have unbearable pain, then go to the hospital."

"okay, thank you." he got off the chair.

"yeah, no problem."


"oh! jisoo! jisoo!" yuna yelled across the parking lot.

jisoo looked around before approaching the group.

"hello. is there something you need?"

"can we not be friends?"

"i don't really care if i have friends at this school or not, but if you want to be friends then sure."

"ah, i forgot! you're new. let's introduce ourselves. im yuna, sehuns girlfriend, and captain of the volleyball team."

"im suji."


"nice to meet you." jisoo finished.

"it'll be nice to have a new edition to the group."

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