he's kinda hot though

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after school, sehun promised jisoo that he'd arrive at her house for homemade pizza. along with that, jisoos friends from her old school are joining her.

jisoo finished setting up fairly quickly and changed out of her clothes with a shower as well.

ding dong

the door rung and jisoo ran to it, and it was a good chunk of her old schoolmates. it caught her by surprise.

"woah, hi everyone." she opened the door.

"hi jisoo! i missed you so much! i haven't seen you in forever!" her friend eunbi hugged her.

"yeah, me too!"

"how's life at that school? any boys, or cliques, or anything interesting. hold up, we'll talk about it over there." she walked over to island.

as she did that, everyone else gave her a hug, even the people she didn't know.

she followed them along, "i thought only two of you were coming, as in eunbi and mina?"

"yeah, that was the plan, but we didn't want anyone to be left out, so here we are."

jisoo thought.



"is mina not coming?"

"no, she's sick. she's been sick for awhile too, im starting to get worried. she takes these pills for the pain in her stomach. kinda sad. anyways, can you pass me the spinach."

jisoo passed the spinach over.

"oh, that's sad to hear. i should visit her."

"yes, you should."

"these pizzas are going to look cute!" a friend of eunbi announced, "thank you," she thought of the name, "jennie? is that it?"

"no, it's jisoo."

"that's the name." she laughed and jisoo forcefully put one out too.

ding dong

"ill be back!" she hopped off the chair and ran towards the door.

"im here with candy!" sehun cheered holding a bag of treats.

"quiet down. thank you. but there's a bunch of people in the kitchen and i didn't even invite here and i don't like it."

"did you not invite them because you don't like them?"

"no, i don't know any of them. out of that group of like 8 or 9, i know two."

"oh, that's hard."


"did you try anything to get them out or.."

"i didn't want to seem rude so now they're making the pizza."

"then, they might as well stay. it would be harder if you wanted them out or at least tried."

she placed her forehead on his chest and sighed.

"you'll be fine, calm down." he hugged her.

"let's go." she said as she collected herself.

they entered the kitchen and all eyes fell over to sehuns.

"who's that?" some girl asked.

"yeah, im curious too." eunbi put her things down and put all her focus into the boy.

"im sehun, jisoos amazing boyfriend."

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