you good?

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"peace out sehun!" baekhyun yelled.

"see ya." he said walking over to his car.

he sat in his vehicle and just sat.

thinking about life.

kinda deep.


baekhyun beeped at him as he drove off. it shook him out of his thoughts.

he drove home and was surprised with what he saw in the driveway.

his parents cars.

sehun walked inside and his mom greeted him wholeheartedly.

"my sehun! how are you?" his mom hugged him.

it's been a while since they last talked or been in the same room.

"im doing good, how about yourself?"

"amazing, the business is at its best place and we're almost ready for you to take it."

his parents have always dreamt of sehun running the business and making it even more successful. they planned on him becoming famous and then he claims the business.

"i made dinner. your father is making an important phone call, but he'll be down in a while."


"is your little friend coming over tonight? i think her name is jesi... no, it's jisoo, that's her name. is she joining us?"

"oh, yeah, no. she went out the country to visit family."

"oh really?"

"that seems weird." she furrowed her eyebrows.

"what about it?" he questioned her statement.

"i was talking to your aunt earlier an-"

"which one?"

"baekhyuns mom." she blinked.

"she told me that she heard from baekhyun that you and jisoo aren't on speaking terms. if that's true?"

"well, she's out the country so i can't contact her." he looked down.

"awh, are you just going to wait until she comes back?"


"good, maybe she'll visit. i really liked her, she's way nicer than the other girls you bought over." she chuckled.


"well, go get yourself situated, and i guess we'll wait until your father is ready. i'll call you down."

"alright." he grabbed his backpack and went up the stairs and into his messy room.

he's usually a neat person, what happened?


kai: yo, r you good???
sehun: yeah, why
kai: you seem off today, like big off
sehun: whats that suppose to mean.
kai: at the game, you were spacing outtt
sehun: was i? oh, well i won't make it obvious then.
kai: i don't think ur 100% you're more of a 40%
kai: is it because of jisoo????
sehun: no.
kai: are you sure?????????
                                                                  read: 9:48pm

"sehun! you can come down!" his mother yelled.

he rolled off his bed but stayed on the ground.


he ignored.

"hey! foods ready!"

"im not hungry!" he finally responded.

suddenly the sound of shoe were creaking up on the stairs and into his room.

"sehun. your mother did not spend time to cook just for you to not eat. get downstairs and eat, right now preferably. stop throwing tantrums." his dad scolded him.

"and when you're done, clean this room, it's disgusting." he sighed at the disappointment he called his son.

mr. oh walked back down and told his wife.

"he's acting up. he has amazing opportunities and chances to be great and he wants to ruin them by being a loser. nobody in the family will claim that word and if he wants to then he's no part of this family."

"he brings shame to this house." he scoffed

"his room is a mess too. lazy."

"what if he just needs a break. he works a lot, trust me, i know it."  she placed her hand on his arm.

"he's not working hard enough. how can he run this business if he can't even run or take care of himself. it's ridiculous."

"i'll go check on him." she got out of the chair and walked up to his room.

"this is not the best sight." she said looking around the room.

"honey, are you okay? we're all worried about you."

he nodded.

"are you sure?"

"everyone keeps asking me the same question over and over. yes im fine, you can leave now." he said very aggressively.

"oh. you never act like this, so i understand if everyone's asking if you're alright. but i guess you can do it all by yourself cause you're so strong." and she went down to the dining room.

he turned his head as tears of anger began to form. the tears that burn the back of your throat. it makes you feel like you lost your voice and speaking will make it worse. it makes you feel like you can't breath and your throat closed in. the type that makes your eyes red like you're high on drugs, except you're not. you're just mad and can't express it in words.

that's what it is.

and he feels like he can't talk to anyone because no one will listen cause he's only the bad guy with the bad act. right?

bad guy | oh sehun Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora