ex boyfriend(s)

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"he's cute." jisoo said.



"well, everyone knows that, but he's not the one."

"but here's the thing, he's a genuinely good guy, but... i don't know." she shrugged.

"if you think or feel that he's a good guy, then go for it honestly. i support whatever makes you happy."

"i appreciate you, yuna."


"yah sehun! what happened to your face?" his mother held onto his face, observing it.

"nothing." he looked away.

"that doesn't look like anything."

"well that's what it is." he walked upstairs.

"sehun! you better cover it up! we're going out, so clean yourself up!" she shouted from the bottom of the staircase.

"you can go without me." he responded.

"sehun, no." she walked up the stairs. "you have to go, all your cousins are going, therefore, you're going. stop being so difficult and get ready!" she closed the door.

he sighed as he looked through his closet. he decided he was going to wear a looser black button up shirt with gray fitted pants wearing a mouth mask and a hat.

"sehun!" his mother yelled.

"hold up, im going." he tied his shoes.

"you look presentable. where's jisoo?"

"why would she come?"

"no reason. honey are you ready to go?"

"yes." the father said getting up from the couch.


at the family gathering, sehun was bored waiting for his cousin, baekhyun to join him. but it took awhile for that to happen.

"sehunnie, are you hungry? here." a plate was put in-front of him by his aunt.

"thank you. is baekhyun here?" he asked.

"no, he has a game, he's the sports manager for his school, so he couldn't make it."

"oh okay, thank you."

"if you want to go meet up with him that's fine." she recommended.

"i wish i could, but my moms wouldn't let me."

"i give you permission. go, ill persuade your mom, she listens to me."

"can i take your car?"

"yes, just bring baekhyun back as well with you."

"alright, thanks auntie."

"no problem sehun, be good." she pointed at him as he laughed.

he walked out and she went to go talk to his mom.

"mrs. oh!" she sung walking over to her.

"yes, lia. and don't call me that."

"here's the thing:"

"what did you do?" she stressed.

"why don't you let your son live while his still young?"

"what happened?"

"i let him take my car and go with baekhyun."

"why? i told him he had to stay lia. call him back, im not going out for him." she sighed.

"but let him do what he wants for tonight. just for tonight. he's been through a lot."

"such as?"

"as one, he broke up with his girlfriend, well, she broke up with him actually. baekhyun told me all about it and-"


"that's the girl! she's such a good student and person. she offered to take baekhyun home when his broke down.

"they really broke up? well, that's still not an excuse for the way he's acting, lia." she groaned.

"calm down, calm down, ill call him, and he'll come back with baekhyun, alright?"


lia then hugged her sister so that she'd calm down.


he drove over to baekhyun's school in hopes to catch him quickly. and to his powers he did.

"byun baekhyun!" sehun yelled from the entrance of the gym as the basketball court was starting to fill in.

baekhyun waved because he was talking to a girl and didn't want to interrupt the conversation.

sehun waited for him to finish but he thinks he recognized the girl byun was talking to.

looks like jisoo, it could be another girl. it couldn't be her, she usually studies most of her time.

the conversation ended and the girl hugged him.

"yeah, so tonight after the games, we could go get ice cream." he asked.

"of course! where should we meet up?"

"let's meet in this gym at the entrance."

"alright, see ya baekhyun." she waved as she walked behind to go see a basketball game.

"yeah, bye." he smiled as she left.

sehun approached him and gave him a bro handshake.

"yo, who was that?" he asked.

"oh, that was jisoo."


"yeah, park jisoo. our ex girlfriend."

"what do you mean 'our'" sehun questioned.

"i dated her from kindergarten to eight grade, bet you didn't know that."

"you're right." he agreed.

"i knew you dated a jisoo, but i didn't think it was that jisoo."

"that's confusing."

"not really, but we're going out for ice cream after the games."

"and whose taking you?"

"well, i didn't think of it. so..." he moved his eyebrows so sehun got the hint.

"your mom told me to pick you up afterwards and take you to the gathering."

"but, you know i don't want to be there. you can come with us."

"uhm, that's weird."

"no, it's all good, she won't mind."

sehun sighed, "fine."

"yeah!" baekhyun celebrated.

"calm down." sehun told him as people were looking.

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