this is the life

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after the pizza arrived, the couple enjoyed it all. they watched films and had light and deep conversations for some reason. but later afterwards, at 10:16, it was time for sehun to go as he was tired.

they smooched and left. all of this left jisoo very flustered. she never thought she'd be dating sehun. it's just a thought that never appeared until they started talking on the daily.

overall, the relationship is good. except for the fact that jisoo doesn't like do or kai. she thinks they're weird.

this happened when they were at a party since that's where they always are. anyways, jisoo was with sehun and they other two kept asking jisoo dumb questions and she didn't like their presence around her from that day on.

but is sehun willing to drop his friends for a girl? i don't know the answer either. but we'll find out.

day by day, jisoo and sehun get closer to each other. it's like they're compatible. many people though seem to want to be friends with jisoo for oh sehun. i would too, but that's not the point. people at the school are obsessed with sehun, they even have a club dedicated to him: club oh sehun. it would ridiculous if jisoo wasn't in it.

they even had a weird conversation about it in a meeting.

"so jisoo, as we know you're dating the oh sehun. but who do you think he'd date if he breaks up with you?"

"excuse me?"

"oh sorry, let me rephrase."

the club president, lee gohee cleared her throat.

"sehun has a reputation for breaking girl's hearts and im saying you could be one. would he go back to yuna if that happened?"

"that's his choice who he wants to get back with. and is there a chance i could leave this club?"

"no, once you're in, you have to be committed. it has a grade system to it." gohee said writing something down.

jisoo rolled her eyes.

this is her life every other day of the school week.

she tends to find a way to leave but she only gets caught and when she does, she argues.

"is this a necessary topic? i personally feel like the fact you have a fan club for a student here is off."

"why'd you join the group then?" gohee fought back.

"i didn't, you dragged me here?!"

"well, that sucks, go complain to someone else who cares, cause i don't. i can't believe sehun is dating you when there's perfection right here!"

jisoo furrowed her eyebrows.

in conclusion, she hates the club and strongly dislikes gohee.

but her and sehun are a-okay.

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