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"that girl's trying to take him away from me and i don't like it." yuna pouted.

"don't worry, yuna. he's only using her and you know it too." her friend consoled her while touching her hair.

"don't touch, it took too long to do."

"oh sorry."


"anyways, back to me. what's her name?"

"i found her online. her old school, old social media's, everything!" one of the girls found.

"ou, let me see!" she grabbed the phone.

"the name is park jisoo. she used to go to the exodus school. ah, i don't care." she scrolled through the page until she found interesting things.

"oh my god! look what i found." she turned the phone.

"her old boyfriend and her. the name is, kim jay. he plays football." she kept looking, "oh, this is a page for her. it says she dated 3 days at once, she's cuts her arms, maybe we can look at her arms, she sent pictures to some guy, yikes. why would anyone want that. gross."

she was deeply interested in the things she found. making screenshots every time she found something new.

"she really is a slut." a girl said.

"yeah, ive been knowing since the moment she came to this school." yuna answered.

"she thinks it's okay to walk into this school and take sehun from me, ha! what a bitch."

"let's go." she got up as everyone followed.


jisoo ended sleeping over at sehuns house. right on his shoulder with her arms wrapped his torso on the couch.

they woke up around 8:50.

"jisoo, i guess you can't go to school anymore, it's almost nine."

"i guess so."

sehun smiled.

"you can go home if you want."

"yeah, i really should get going. for real this time." she got up and grabbed her keys from the table.

"thank you for coming."

"anytime, and ill be here by 5:30." they hugged.

"get some sleep first." he pulled her to the door.

"you too."

"bye." she said.

"bye." he waved.

sehun went inside and was grateful that the house was clean. he ran upstairs and plopped on his bed happily.


"jisoo, where were you?" her mom asked.

"i was at eunyu's house."

"you stayed all night? look at the time."

"i lost track of it. im sorry for worrying you, ill do better next time at informing you." she apologized.

her mom sighed.

"don't ever do that again." she hugged.

"trust me, i won't."

"i made you breakfast, did you sleep?"

"a little bit."

"then go to bed."


they hugged and jisoo walked upstairs to her room and threw herself on her bed and slowly drifted to sleep.


knock knock.

sehun got up and opened the door.

"welcome back home!" he hugged his parents.

"thank you."

"how've you been sehun?" his dad asked.

"im doing amazing, i just finished an assignment."

"that's my boy!"

they sat down.

"oh, and yuna isn't able to come later, i think she's going out state."

"that's a bummer, who are you thinking of bringing?"

"well, there's this new girl at my school and i want her to feel welcomed by me, so i asked her and she said yes."

"when did she transfer?"

"a few weeks ago."

"that's nice of you."

he smiled.

"well, im going to get some sleep before we go." his dad said.

"alright, bye."


"me too, don't do anything dumb." she ruffled his hair.

"i won't."

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