i like you, like actually

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sehun and jisoo drove around for awhile until sehun decided that he didn't want to go back. once he made that decision, they had a lot of fun, more than expected.

he drove to his favorite sushi place and is now jisoos favorite place to eat. they walked around downtown and looked through stores. she even tried to buy a sweater, but sehun paid instead.

this got them closer. like childhood friends type of close. they were telling embarrassing stories and laughed a lot.

"you're not bad." jisoo told sehun in the passenger seat.

"i know." he ruffled his hair."it's a joke, you're amazing too." he yawned, "kinda cute, too." he said quietly.



"okay." she shrugged.

"i swear i heard 'kinda cute too' but that could just be my ears."

"yeah, it must be." he slowly smiled which got her to do the same.


afterwards, sehun drove jisoo back home.

"i actually had fun today. ill applaud you on that." she took off her seatbelt

"i try."



"hm." she turned.

"i, uh, um, forgot to give you something!"

"and what is that?"

"oh, i forgot. but stay here, ill remember." he placed his head on the steering wheel.

"sure?" she waited.

it was starting to get a bit weird. and they both sensed it.

"you're cute."

"huh? i blanked out."

"you're cute, and i think i like you, actually."

"me? as in jisoo?"


"nice to know.", she paused, "i like you too."

"do you actually?"

"unless you were only joking." she chuckled.

"you're not that bad."

"wow," he was speechless, "wow."

"well, bye!" she got out the car.

"bye!" he waved.

sehun smiled as she ran into her house.

but as soon as she left, sehun texted his friends.

sehun : guys, guess what?
kai : what
sehun : she's fallen for me!!!
do : wdym?
sehun : like she just confessed and i told her i likes her too, so I guess we're dating now.
kai: ayyyyyeeee, you're doing something right
do: yeah, when are you gonna break up w/ her.
sehun : a month?
kai: sure.


"jae! i think i made a mistake!"

"what was the mistake?"

"i told this guy i like him and now im screwed cause i don't."

"then why'd you confess?"

"i was in the moment. i thought it was right."

"well, you just can't go to him and say it was a joke, he's gonna feel bad. you dug yourself a grave."

"well shit."

"yup, good luck." he chuckled as he walked up the stairs.

"thanks, i guess."

she ran her hands through her hair and sighed.

bad guy | oh sehun Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora