love triangle

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"how'd you guys date for that long?"

"true love, sehun, true love. you wouldn't know because you used her. she really is an amazing girl, and was nice to everyone."

"it's not that deep." sehun shrugged.

"i think it is. when i was talking to her, i asked how she knew you , and she said how you made her feel and how heartbroken she was. it's a core memory like from that movie." he explained.

"that's tough."

"yeah, it is. even i didn't make her feel that way. it was a mutual agreement to break up so we were both hurt but not drastically. i still like her though."

"baekhyun, we cant like the same person."

"not like that, i like her personality and the way she is. relax."

they conversed until the games were over and baekhyun finished his duties, and then went to go get jisoo.

"yah jisoo!" he shouted.

"yah baekhyun!" she replied.

"i guess i have good and bad news. if you want to view it that way." he shrugged.

"okay, what's the bad news?"

"so turns out sehun is my chauffeur for the night, and now he has to come with us and the good news is that we're getting ice cream now!"

"that's fine." she smiled.

"you can pick the place and ill follow."

"sounds good." they hugged.


"sehun, when exit this car, please don't make anything awkward, and i can sense awkward tension." byun reminded him.

"i won't, just relax." they left the car and waited for jisoo.

"im here!" jisoo stated happily.


they ordered their things and sat down and it was weird.

"if sehun wasn't here, this would be a date." baekhyun said.

it caused sehun to punch him discreetly and jisoo to give him that look.

"ow, it was a joke." then he whispered, "not really."

which caused her to laugh.

they had small conversation here and there.

"this is awkward," he paused. "sehun."

"i didn't do anything?!" he exclaimed.

"y-" they were interrupted by kai and do.

"aye! sehun. and jisoo! and baekhyun!" do said shockingly.

"it's a love triangle!" kai added which made all the boys look at him weirdly.

they greeted each other.

then sooner or later, "byun baekhyun!" was shouted by chen, who walked in with chanyeol and lay.

jisoo then got a shocked expression recognizing the people coming in.

"byun, xiumin and suho are coming later." lay told him.

"yeah! that's great!" baekhyun celebrated.

"oh, and do you guys remember jisoo from grade school? this is her." baekhyun introduced.

"woah!" lay replied surprised.

"no way!" chen said, "i saw her at a party and i didn't even recognize you, wow!"

"i felt like i knew you from somewhere." chanyeol reminisced.

"yeah, same here." jisoo said.

"you're pretty."


"calm down chanyeol. she's on a date with sehun and i."

"a double date?" chanyeol added

"i called it a love triangle." kai responded.

which caused everyone to laugh.

"thank you, i try to make you all happy." kai said with his ego.

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