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"sorry for the wait, but this place is amazing. ive gone here a bunch of times. i think you'll like it."

"you never introduced yourself." she told him.

"oh sehun."

"park jisoo."

"okay, happy, we know each other now."


she started her car and waited for sehun to drive.

"what have i gotten myself into?" she hit her head on the wheel.

she followed him for 15 minutes until they reached a parlor.

he took breath and got out the car.

they walked inside the place as sehun opened the door and held it open.

"hello, welcome! what would you like to get today?"

"ill just get vanilla." she pulled out her card.

"and ill get double chocolate."

"okay, the total is.. $15.72."

he grabbed jisoo's card and gave the cashier his.

"unnecessary." she muttered under her breath. she's a bit uninterested and unimpressed.

"here you are. have a nice day!" the lady waved.

"you too." jisoo responded.

she nudged sehun.

"say something back, sehun."

"yeah, you too." she rolled her eyes.

they sat at a table awkwardly for a few minutes when jisoo stood up.

"i'll be back." she grabbed her keys.

"she's probably leaving now." sehun whispered after she walked out the door.

but to his luck, she came back with her backpack.

"if we're not going to talk, im going to make the most out of this."

she pulled out a book and started reading. she read a few pages before she noticed sehun staring.

"you're staring."

"oh sorry. and let's talk."


"uh, you. let's talk about you."

"okay, what do you want to know?"

"whatever you want to say."

"okay, well, i came to this school a few weeks ago, and i don't like it."

"really? why not. do you not have any friends?"

"i hung out with this group my first week, but then i got bored and left them. now, i just focus on my studies and that's all."

"so, you're basically a loner?"

"well, only at school, not outside of school. i do have plenty of friends." she reminded him.

"why'd you switch."

"this school is academically higher than my other one."


"you're good at many thing as i can tell, but why don't you do your own work. you're smart enough to do it, right?"

"yeah, but it's easier and better if someone else does it by force, you know."

"no, i don't."

"okay." he sighed.

"well, we could hang out for lunch tomorrow." he said changing the topic quickly.

"okay." she shrugged.


"i don't see why not."

"even the fact that im 'mean'" he quoted.

"im going to change my mind."

"okay, okay, sorry." he apologized.

"since all we've been talking about is me, let's switch over to you."

"okay. oh sehun is the name. football player as well. most popular. apparently im rude-"

"you know you're mean. but go on."

"anyways, my favorite food are cookies. chocolate chip to be exact. my birthday is in 2 days. it's on april 12. id rather be at a party then home."

"okay, nice to know. are you doing anything for your birthday?"

"yeah, im throwing this huge party while my parents are out on a business trip for 3 days."

"you're invited." he finished.


"are you going to try to come?"

"ill consider."

sehun nodded in confusion.

"don't worry, i can take you with me. ill pick you up."

"oh, no. i can drive myself." she quickly said.

"so what im hearing, you will come."

"yes. happy."

"very much."

she ate more of her ice cream as sehun finished his.

"you're a slow eater." he dusted his hands.

"or are you a fast one."

he squinted his eyes at her comments.

"i thought so." she smiled.

"well, it was nice eating with you. hopefully, we can do this again." she collected her things.

"o-oh yeah. yeah, um for sure."

"are you malfunctioning?"

"see you tomorrow." she waved as she approached the door.

"bye." he did the same.

he sat for awhile before he exited the parlor.

he walked to his black jeep and went in to be in deep thought.

"well, it was nice eating with you. hopefully, we can do this again."

"does she like me now?"

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