4) GA Crew Secrets

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Next Day

Billy- Sitting in a chair with my phone in hand as I read the latest headlines. "So, what happened last night? Today's headlines are about a murdered girl, not just any girl either but Mallory Heart!"

Zak- (Shrugs)

Aaron- Looking from Zak whom is sitting in Nicks lap, too Nick. "Nick?"

Nick- (Sighs) "What is the news saying?" We had to start this conversation somewhere, might as well be with the dead girl.

Billy- Pulling up the latest news article on my phone;

By; Stephanie Hayes

Stephanie; At six am a body was found in the back alley of Omnia Night Club. Local PD identifies the body as 24 year old Mallory Heart, local Corner puts her time of death at three am. There is no specifics being released about the suspect or how the body was found, but what can be said is that there is a Ritualistic Murderer on the loose.'

Zak- (Mumbles) "Could be worse."

Billy- (Scoffs) "How could it be..." I take a moments pause as it sinks in. "You killed her, didn't you? Her death was caused by one of your insane rituals!"

Jay- Billy was legit freaking out. "Are you done?"

Billy- Looking around rather shocked. "How are any of you okay with this?" Locking Eyes with Aaron lastly. "This isn't normal, this isn't okay. Zak is a real murderer and your acting so calm right now!"

Aaron- (Raises Eyebrow Unamused) "Yes I'm calm, someone has to be! For fuck sakes Billy he is our brother, our family. I will protect him and if that means dying, then so be it. Zak has changed and that's very obvious by his new attributes, I'm not just gonna hand him over to the cops with the possibility that he'll slaughter the whole city just to be free again. When we can keep this all quiet and let him get his fill of blood in silence."

Nick- What Aaron said not only made us think about the situation Zak forced us into, but where our loyalties truly laid and it also shut Billy up real quick.

Jay- (Hums Thoughtfully) "That was nicely said."

Billy- Giving it all a few moments thought. "Are we really going to protect a Demon of all things?"

Nick, Jay and Aaron- "Yes!"

Billy- Catching Zaks curious black orbs, watching me. (Sighs Heavily) "Okay."

Aaron- Sitting on the couch, across from Nick whom holds Zak in his lap as I admire Zaks new features. "Now that we got that whole mess figured out..."

Billy- (Rolls Eyes and Mutters) "Yep, it's a mess alright." I get three identical glares.

Aaron- Ignoring Billy's utter stupidity. "I'm curious, what is Zak?" He currently looks like a living broken doll with small black horns, a tail, fangs, claws and black eyes. "So weird and cute at the same time."

Nick- Zak has been quiet this whole time, but sits rigidly as he stares Billy down. (Sighs Softly) Rubbing his lower back soothingly. "You can't kill him, he's one of ours."

Zak- (Huffs) I lean back against Nicks chest, watching them all closely.

Billy- We don't bother to question their intimate closeness anymore as it has become normal to us, especially now as it seems to calm the Demon. "Can you tell us the type of Demon Zak is?"

Jay- (Hums Thoughtfully) Zak is still going through physical changes right before our very eyes, so I take a few moments to study his new attributes carefully.

Zak- (Hisses) Getting poked and prodded puts me on edge.

Nick- (Coos) Seeing Zak's claws I grasp his wrists and forcibly fold his arms across his chest, while being mindful of his whipping tail. "Enough."

Zak- (Whimpers) I fall limply into Nicks arms.

Jay- My eyes widen into saucers. "He is Submissive and to you. Nick, I believe you are his mate and I'm positive he's a Kaodegan."

Aaron- Making a pinched face. "He's a what?"

Billy- Mirroring Aaron's look. "What kind of Demon is that even?"

Jay- (Chuckles) I click my laptop on and open the search engine as I type in the name. "Let's see here..." Clicking through a few different links, I find one that is most promising on a Demonology site. "Kaodegan are a very unique species of Demon bioengineered using the DNA of various types of other Demons and creatures as well as human souls. Their behavior is mostly human, but they exhibit some animal-like an demonic behaviors and tendencies as well. There are many different types of Kaodegan, ten specific species each which adapt to a particular environment. Most look similar due to genetics but are differed by skin color, eye color, height, weight, wing size and shape, tail size and shape as well as internal coloration. Kaodegan are genetically set apart being either mammalian, amphibian, avian or draconic."

Nick- Once Jay finishes explaining, we all look at Zak.

Zak- Feeling an immense pain, I pull away from Nick as I fall to the floor. Under the sheer scrutiny of my mate and brothers, my skin breaks finally revealing my wings.

Jay- Once more my eyes widen to saucers as I take in Zaks hunched form. His skin is unnaturally pale, sharp black colored claws, his face has red veins running along it in a very odd pattern making it look broken, small curved black horns, black leathery wings and a matching tail. "You're a Draconic, a Dragon Demon!" Black slitted eyes look up at me rather shyly. (Smiles)

Nick- Looking Zak up and down taking in everything that he really is, I kneel on the floor behind him wrapping my arms around his waist possessively. (Growls) "Mine!"

Zak- Melting into Nicks arms as I bare my neck. "Yours."

Billy- (Coos) Both Aaron and I move back, giving them more space.

Aaron- (Smiles) I couldn't help but to take a picture of the two.

Jay- Creating a locked folder just for Zak. "We are gonna have to keep this quiet. It'll cause an uproar, Hell there are paranormal wack-jobs that would love to use him as a science experiment, when the Demonologists are done having a go at him that is."

Nick- (Growls Lowly) "Then we keep this quiet, for as long as possible."

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