12) Facade

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Two Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- The Demon possessed crew continue their killing spree when they aren't filming for a show and give off the vibe of living normal lives or as normal as it could be for paranormal investigators.

Haunted Museum

Billy- (Scoffs) I finish reading the latest article about the Ritualistic Murders, nearly breaking my phone in the process of tossing it on the table in front of me.

Aaron- (Raises Eyebrow) I glance up from my sketchbook, looking at my obviously upset Sub.

Jay- Setting aside my spell book, I get up from where I'm perched and walk up behind the emotional male. "What has you upset?" Resting my hands on his shoulders, I send out my magic in comforting waves.

Billy- Jay's magic washes over me as I melt beneath his touch. (Sighs Irritably) "How come Zak gets all the credit for something we are all doing?" (Pouts)

Nick- This now has my attention. "What do you mean?"

Zak- I could careless about what the locals say and continue researching our next location.

Billy- Picking up my phone and handing it to Nick. "They are saying the Ritualist is a narcissist on a mission."

Nick- I take my time to read to read over the article. (Growls Lowly) "Then perhaps we should give them a reason to fear us."

Aaron- Setting down my sketchbook. "Are you saying we should kill in broad daylight?"

Nick- (Shakes Head) "No..." Pausing for a moment. "I'm saying we should cross county lines and go to the nearest Ghost Town, committing our next murder in an actual ritualist fashion as we film it and then post it anonymously online."

Jay- (Nods Agreeingly) "That's not a bad idea." Pausing for a few moments as I think it over, on the same track as our head Dom. "Yes, it'll work perfectly! A different location to commit the murders so it won't be traced back here, which means more real estate to dump the bodies. Filming and posting it anonymously will cause fear an create panic." (Smirks Viciously) "I like it!"

Aaron and Billy- (Nods Agreeingly)

Nick- Pulling my mate away from his work. "What do you say, should we cause fear and create panic?" Wrapping my arms around my Subs chest as I nuzzle his jaw. (Hums Delightedly)

Zak- I melt within my mates embrace, tilting my head in submission. (Purrs) "Yes."

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