8) Awakening

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Later That Night

3rd Person P.O.V- The museum had closed for the day and the majority of the staff has left to go home.

Aaron- Jay and I get up following Nick whom had let a Demon Zak loose into the establishment. "Now what?"

Nick- (Smirks Slyly) "Now we wait for Zak to retrieve our sacrifice."

Jay- (Shivers Involuntarily) Aaron and I don't say anything as we continue to follow Nick through the shadows watching Zak stalk his prey.

Hannah- (Hums Softly) Working at the museum for only a week and being quiet new. I want to make sure I'm doing things right. Taking my time as I do the walk through, making sure nothing has moved or been moved and everything is accounted for one last time, then I shut down all the lights and lock up the front doors.

Zak- I was stalking the petite brunette as she took her time to complete her work for the evening. Once she had finished, I step out of the shadows standing silently behind her.

Hannah- Hearing the locking mechanism click into place, I pocket my key and turn around nearly having a heart attack. (Shrieks and Stutters) "You scared me."

Zak- (Growls Lowly) Raising the bat that's in my hands, I hit her in the head not only knocking her to the floor but also knocking her out cold.

Nick- Stepping out of the shadows closely followed by Jay and Aaron. (Huffs) "Really, you had to get blood all over the front carpet!"

Aaron- (Chuckles) Seeing Nick berate the submissive Demon is funny.

Jay- Zaks face is priceless. "We can replace the carpet Nick."

Nick- (Rolls Eyes) "Not the point." Gesturing to the girl. "Grab her and let's go."

Zak- Dropping the bat, I pick up the girl and follow after my perturbed partner.

Aaron and Jay- We quickly follow after the couple.


Billy- I Head the iron door open and bounce to my feet, walking across the small space as I grasp the iron bars that hold me. "Are you here to finally let me out?" Seeing Nick first, then I notice Aaron, Jay and then Zak whom carries an unfamiliar girl. "Who is that?"

Nick- (Hums) "If you behave, you'll be released." I walk over to the set up alter and open the book to the ritual needed. "And the girl is merely a sacrifice."

Billy- I turn from Nick too Jay and Aaron whom are setting up black and white candles on top of a pentagram that is filled with all sorts of ruins. "Why?"

Jay- I merely glance up at our imprisoned brother, then re-outline all the ruins.

Aaron- (Bites Bottom Lip) "To be together in this." I leave it at that and make sure all the black and white candles are aligned in their spots.

Jay- I make little gestures to everything as I list it off, making sure it is all set up. (Mutters) "Binding Rune, Summoning Sigils, Protection Runes, Six Black Candles, Three White Candles, Lighter, Charmed Dagger and Spell Book." (Nods)

Aaron- Once Jay and I both confirm everything is set back up and properly. "Alright Zak."

Zak- Nick reads over the ritual as Jay and Aaron set everything up. Once they finish, I lay the petite girl on the ritual table taking my time to strip her naked, then shackle her wrists and ankles.

Jay- As Zak shackles down our sacrifice, Aaron and I go retrieve Billy.

Billy- Aaron and Jay come to the cage that holds me as they unlock and open the door. (Shakes Head Madly) "NO! NO! NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS ME! I WON'T LET YOU!"

Aaron- Jay and I grab our brother by the arms as we drag him from his cell and over to the ritual table. "You don't have a choice brother."

Jay- Aaron and I shove him to his knees and shackle his wrists.

Billy- I pull against the thick chains that hold me, but to no avail. (Shrieks) "NO!"

Zak- Walking up behind our brother, I tie a bandanna around his mouth to keep him from interrupting the ritual.

Billy- Tears fall from my eyes as I watch in horror.

Nick- Jay, Aaron and I stand around the ritual table, while Billy is forced to kneel. (Nods Curtly)

Zak- Nick already has the book, so I just go and stand by the far wall.

Nick- Taking a deep breath, I slowly let it out. Checking the time, I pull off my shirt and toss it to the side as I sink to my knees in the middle of the pentagram that lays on the floor to the side of the ritual table.

Aaron and Jay- We quickly follow Nicks lead, forcibly removing Billy's shirt as he is already kneeling.

Billy- I wanted to scream at the top of my
lungs and fight them so badly, but I was forced to endure whatever they were about to do and quietly at that. (Glares)

Zak- I watch their every move and listen as fluent Latin spills from Nicks lips as he reads from the book lighting the three white candles first.

Nick- Picking up the dagger I dig it into the sensitive flesh just above my right hip cutting the desired ruin into myself. (Gasps Sharply)

Aaron- We follow Nicks lead, carving an identical ruin into the flesh above our right hip.

Jay- Then we do the same to Billy.

Nick-Once more Latin falls from my lips as I light the black candles and then raise the dagger above the blonde plunging it into her chest stopping her beating heart, a loud buzzing fills the room as an eerie burning glow envelopes everything.

Zak- I have to shield my eyes against the blazing light that had filled the basement.

Twenty Minutes Later

Nick, Aaron, Jay and Billy- The blood in our veins burned like lava and our bodies felt like lead. (Groans Miserably) The immense pain slowly subsided as our senses kicked in and it was like everything was magnified.

Zak- Slowly opening my eyes and blinking away the colored spots, I find them all sprawled out on the floor. "Nick?" Walking over, I notice how they all flinch. "You, okay?" Kneeling across from him, he looks up to meet my gaze and I'm literally floored by his appearance. His naturally tanned skin is unnaturally pale, his facial features now include black veins covering it like broken glass and his eyes are red. (Whispers) "Incredible!"

Nick- Seeing the look of utter adoration on my mates face was everything. (Coos Softly)

Zak- Glancing from my love stuck mate to the others, they all sport red or black eyes with veins either color. (Hums Curiously) "What happened?"

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