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Now showing private messages between Fitz and RoastMasterV2

Fitz: when your boyfriend goes to the states to visit his family and you're stuck in Australia with a house full of morons

RoastMasterV2: me but I'm the boyfriend in the states and my boyfriend is in the same country as my family with a house full of morons :)

Fitz: wow mate guess we're both fucked then

RoastMasterV2: pretty much

Fitz: I miss my bf :(

RoastMasterV2: then msg him?? I'm sure he misses you too

Fitz: I don't want to bother him and intrude on the time he's spending with his family

Fitz: after all he doesn't go back to the states often :/

RoastMasterV2: that makes sense

RoastMasterV2: I don't want to be a bother either

Fitz: I don't think you could ever be a bother, Ev, you have such a good heart :( you're always willing to help

RoastMasterV2: But it sucks that I'm willing to help everyone but myself 

Fitz: I have a friend like that, the only difference is that they're a huge dick and aren't actually helping anyone

Fitz: everytime they think they're "helping" they're just making it worse and they can't seem to figure that out

RoastMasterV2: those are always the worst kind of people

Fitz: they really are...

Fitz: because they always end up hurting the ones who never did anything wrong

RoastMasterV2: sometimes I think I'm like that

RoastMasterV2: my friends are always getting into trouble, Well me too, and there was always /something/ that was up, and I tried so so /so fucking hard/ to help them

RoastMasterV2: but all I did was ruin things

Fitz: I'm sure you didn't ruin anything, Evan, you're just being hard on yourself

Fitz: they would've told you something if they weren't happy with what you were doing

RoastMasterV2: cameron, can you be honest with me?

Fitz: always

RoastMasterV2: if you knew someone who ruined everything when they just wanted to help, would you really be honest with them?

Fitz: ...

Fitz: no, I guess not

RoastMasterV2: exactly

Fitz: look, Evan, I know my words have like zero impact on you, but you're /not/ like that at all, okay? You're truly a great person, I can just tell, even if I've only known you for a week or something, you're a good person with a good heart and good morals and you know how to give people advice

Fitz: I literally got a boyfriend bc of your help, Evan

Fitz: anyone who disagrees with that, and /lies/ to you and makes you feel this way, then they're just ungrateful for what they have because they have an amazing spectacular friend who would drop anything for them just to make them laugh or smile or to help them see the light

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