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I have school tomorrow and I'm pretty indifferent about it

Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and RoastMasterV2

FuckBoi: can't believe you haven't blocked me honestly

FuckBoi: thought I'd be the first on your list, not to be narcissistic

FuckBoi: normally you answer after two texts...

FuckBoi: and you didn't block me, or unfriend me like you did with John so he couldn't text you but he could still stay in the groupchat

FuckBoi: almost as if you /wanted/ him to tell us

FuckBoi: still not answering? I'll take that as a theory proven to be true, then

FuckBoi: well, if you're not going to answer me, then I guess I'll just talk until you do

FuckBoi: I meant what I said Evan, it /is/ your fault that I went back to Jordan, even if it was very much indirectly

FuckBoi: But perhaps it was my fault as well, because of how horrible I treated you

FuckBoi: But only because you broke my heart, Evan, I was a complete mess without you

RoastMasterV2: cut the crap, Lucas

RoastMasterV2: you wouldn't care, but I'm actually busy, are you done here?

FuckBoi: oh? So you /do/ read your messages, I was beginning to think otherwise considering it took one two three four five six TEN messages before you replied

FuckBoi: you didn't block me Evan, which means you wanted to keep me around.

RoastMasterV2: I didn't block John either, just wanted him off my back for a while

FuckBoi: Evan we both know how big of a mouth John has, there's no way someone with a secret like you would just keep him around, right?

RoastMasterV2: he has a big mouth, but at least he's honest, so I admire him

FuckBoi: humans are always drawn to people they want to be like

RoastMasterV2: people are also drawn to things that are admirable qualities which include honesty and not being a fucking loose cannon

FuckBoi: I'm insulted Evan

FuckBoi: you broke my heart and I had no choice but to go back to that imbecile can't you understand why I'd be upset

RoastMasterV2: and why do you expect me to not be upset as well

RoastMasterV2: i fucking tried so hard to make things work, make everything work, and you just fucking lied

RoastMasterV2: do you think I'm just not going be absolutely fed up? You had your chance, you had my trust, and you broke that, everyone fucking broke that and after you yelled at me when I was just trying to /help/ I think I realized that

RoastMasterV2: if you really loved me, you wouldn't be such a piece of shit in trying to get me back

RoastMasterV2: like trying to guilt me

RoastMasterV2: guilt tripping is a form of manipulation, and I recently learned that I don't really deserve that kind of treatment so why don't you learn some new tricks, Lucas?

FuckBoi: you're such a fucking bitch, Evan

FuckBoi: you're just pushing me away because I want to be there for you, we all just want to be there for you but you are so adamant that you don't need anyone

RoastMasterV2: doesn't matter if I needed you guys you would never be there anyway you're too fucking busy worry about your own problems which is fine except when you make it seem like I'm selfish

FuckBoi: i know someone like you feels the need to prove that you're fine on your own but just admit it you need us

RoastMasterV2: someone like me? The fuck does that mean

FuckBoi: depressed and anxious

FuckBoi: makes you feel like you're nothing but a giant burden but by isolating yourself you're just becoming even more of a fucking burden

FuckBoi: i mean we finally leave you alone like you wanted and we finally give you some trust and what do you do? Try to kill yourself

RoastMasterV2: say that again

FuckBoi: what?

RoastMasterV2: fucking say that again, Lucas.

RoastMasterV2: say. It. Again.

FuckBoi: Evan I didn't mean that

RoastMasterV2: no of course you did because you can never do any wrong can you, mr perfect

RoastMasterV2: it's always my fault right? Because I'm just a depressed and anxious burden who tries to kill himself just to get some attention, right? It's always my fucking fault and it's never changed, is that what you're trying to say?

RoastMasterV2: go on, you can say it

FuckBoi: Evan that's not what I meant

RoastMasterV2: liar, you're nothing but a fucking liar

RoastMasterV2: But it's okay, because I have you all figured out

RoastMasterV2: checkmate, lucas, But I do always enjoy our chats

FuckBoi: Evan wait please let me explain

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