Meeting a vampire

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(Y/n) pov

I have successfully made ravel feel at home and she has officially fell in love with me, I even made her mine last night in bed I filled her with my love as I do for all my mates.

Today I go to the Orc club with a very serious question I've been meaning to ask.

(Y/n) " rias why do you have someone trapped inside the sealed room? "

Rias then explained to me the story of her bishop gasper and decided to introduce me as well as the new peerage members to him.

We walk through the door and rias calls out to the vampire named gaper who then rises from the coffin and me and issei are awestruck by the sight we see.

(Y/n) " Dibs "

The shy beautiful vampire looks at us

Issei " ahh you always call dibs before me damnit I lose out on another beautiful girl"

Rias " actually gasper is a boy "

We look towards gasper who nods at this fact. Issei then goes into a panic attack but I'm not even slightly perturbed.

Gasper looks uncomfortable from being mistaken as a female

(Y/n) " well I happen to be bisexual so if you ever want I'm a available as a mate and I would be willing to let
You drink my blood."

Everyone looked at me in shock after my bold proclamation.

Gasper " Um I uh thank you for your kindness but I think it's way to early to decide that, I mean we just met but I do appreciate you find me attractive regardless of gender. Most people treat me like I'm a freak after they find out. And you are quite handsome yourself is just like to know you better "

(Y/n) " well for now I wouldn't mind settling for Friends"

I stretched my arm out and we shook hands.

Akeno " Ara Ara (y/n) you must certainly be quite the  beast if even gasper is in your strike zone "

Asia " I don't understand how is it possible for two guys to be partners"

I watch as Akeno pulls Asia towards the side and explain it to her in which caused her to blush. 

(Y/n) " hey gasper I can help you control your power all I need to do is insert some magical power into you to repair your sacred gears limiters. After that it's all up to training how to use your gear."

Gasper " please help me then, I don't want to lose control anymore"

I then put a hand on his shoulder and push my magical energy into him which leaves him exhausted as his body gets used to it and redirects the energy to repairing the sacred gear.

I catch him before he could hit the ground and place him on a chair.!

After a couple minutes he regains his energy. I then instruct him to activate his sacred gear so he stops time. He is surprised that I am not frozen like everyone else, I then explain to him that I'm immune to space time anomalies after he holds time paused for a moment it goes back to being unfrozen. Shocked he asks me how come it happened. I explained to him how with the new limiters in place he has to actively maintain the stoppage of time which takes energy so he has to train in order to gain better control as well as increase his magic supply. I then also tell him how if he masters the time stop he may also be able to rewind or fast forward time as well. The group were obviously confused to see me and gasper were in different spots in the room and mid conversation. Which  I will explain to them later. I ask if gasper wants me to train him to which he agrees so I told him to follow me but he was to frightened to leave the room. I then split in two making a copy of my self .

(Y/n) " gasper this here is a copy of my self we are linked mentally and are able to actively function without the other body, so I will leave this body with you to train you in control of your sacred gear, combat, magic, and overcoming your fears. Is that ok with you? "

Gasper " really that would be amazing I also wouldn't need to be alone in this room anymore.."

He lunged forward and hugged me with tears in his and the rest of the group leave to and go out Separate ways as they go to deal with a stray devil and I go to the movie theater with ravel.

On our way there we seem to exorcists for the church begging for change so I gave them a couple hundred dollars and continued on our way but both of us wondered why they were here.

Male reality serpent reader x highschool dxd Where stories live. Discover now