The Cadre taken care of

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(Y/n) Pov

Me and the girls Have been good minding our own business but then we got a call from rias.

Rias "(y/n) we need your help were kind of in a losing battle against a fallen angel named kokabiel, who is trying to start a new Great War."

I teleported to the battle field and destroyed the Cerberus's on arrival

(Y/n) " really rias I know I was staying out of the churches and your way in all but out of no where you inform me your in the midst of some heavy shit like this explain now."

She then explained the stolen swords and how issei tried to help them and kiba. I was then told about how the guy in charge of the holy sword project fused pieces of Excalibur together, then kiba made a holy demonic sword to destroy the false Excalibur with the help of his dead friends. Then the holy sword prick was killed by kokabiel. I watched as issei in balance breaker is defeated by kokabiel.
The fallen angel began to monologue but it appears he hasn't seen me and my girls enter the scene 

Kokabiel " you puny Devils and church girl stand no chance against me but I think it's only fair to reveal a secret to you before I finish you off. The holy demonic sword that the blonde possess's is only possible do to the fact that not only did the devil die but also God died during the last Great War. You see on the last day of battle a serpent larger than the world itself appeared and killed many people including God and satan, matter of fact it also broke Excalibur. Well word is amongst the higher ups is  that the serpent has returned and is likely to stay out of the conflict as long as we don't upset him. The name the beast goes by now is (y/n) (l/n) from what I heard. "

Everyone was shocked except for me and Tiamat who already know this. But the shock was for multiple reasons.

Xenovia " it can't be true "

Asia " God is dead....... Killed by (Y/N)?!?!??)

She looked at me contemplating then spoke up

Asia " if it was my (y/n) then God deserved it"

I flew in front of kokabiel

Kokabiel " oh a new challenger and who are you?"

I smile

(Y/n) " oh you already know me I'm (y/n) (l/n) "

I then. Cut his head off

Everyone was staring at me

Xenovia " you killed God you monster"

She then attacked me. I swiftly disarm her and pull her into a hug.

(Y/n) " the truth is I killed them all in self defense I appeared in the world to
Introduce my self but I was attacked. As for God he was a cynical dick who cared little about his children and more about them worshiping him. He also had a kink about being called father.he wasn't so great however Michael the arch angel who now runs heaven is a much more pure being who actually cares about creation the only problem is that he doesn't have the power of a god or the full authority to run everything just look at the church."

Well this certainly had been interesting

(Y/n) " hey kiba you know that holy sword a made you well I upgraded it to a holy demonic sword that could rival the true Excalibur in strength why do t you summon it to give it a try"

He summoned it and was overwhelmed By its power.

Kiba " wow thanks man I'm gonna need to train for this"

Male reality serpent reader x highschool dxd Where stories live. Discover now