Episode 4 & chapter 4

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Your POV-24hours later

After relaxing and freeing ourselves from stress for the previous 24hours,I began watching tv.It was nice;I ,also,got my required alone time,while Ava was relaxing in the bath.I was watching the new season of fairy tail,since I didn't have time to watch it before.

Hearing a high pitched scream emerge from the bathroom,I lazily paused the show and knocked on the door.Annoyingly,I already knew what was happening.They were back and in the bathroom,with Ava in the bath.Hearing the conversation,I heard a males voice state:"I'm trying to figure out why your doing this."

Suddenly confused,Ava shouted:"Why are you in my wall?"

Hearing another voice emerge,they asked:"Lief,what are you-Wait...what is she doing?"

Realising this is Ava's limit for embarrassment,I grabbed her clothes from her bedroom nest door ,shouting:"I'll be coming in soon,okay!"Opening the door,I saw Lief and Asch emerging from the wall and Ava,sitting in the bath,a blushing mess.Realising they're here to learn the put on human clothes,in effort to make them leave,I volunteered to help them.Seeing the 'mature one' come in behind me,I didn't have a chance to rush them out.

The mature one began scolding the others as they wouldn't come in through the doors;I began randomly laughing.It serves them right,since they were disrupting a girls private time.Trying to push the 'mature one' out,uttering a miniature explanation on girls private time,we left the bathroom.I asked him to point the way to where we needed to go to put on the clothes.Wondering why Ava was in the bath,I got several questions of him,about its importance.I only repeated the same phrase:"It's so we don't stink"yet he still seemed hooked on the idea of it being a way to harness magic.

Walking through the wall,which was something I still couldn't comprehend,I saw Noi standing there with pants on his head.Worried about him hurting himself,I hurried over to him and took it off his head.Partially explaining that this wasn't the best way to wear clothes,I returned the shorts back to him.

Trying to help,I explained step by step how to put on clothing;obviously,no-one really listened except the 'mature one' and he resulted in wearing the clothes.Since it would be impossible for me to help them without being in the room,I turned around,while giving out instructions.After ten minutes of constant struggle,I left annoyed by their lack of listening skills.Why did they have to come to our house,at this time,looking that attractive?

Sitting down on the couch,I welcomed Ava,when she called the daemons in to talk about personal boundaries.Asch being Asch insulted us by explaining that as the prisoners we 'don't get to make rules'.Can't he just accept that we're only helping to be nice and we're definitely not his prisoners?Getting annoyed,Ava used her'powerful sorcerer' title fully to her advantage,flaunting that she's more powerful than him.Me,being the friend that told the truth,just stood beside Lief.After hearing that they can vine in from anywhere in our apartment,me and Ava freaked.Our personal space was officially gone!Ugh!

Making me giggle slightly,Ava began mentioning how her crayola crayons were a magic tool and that they could only come in through the marked area in the wall otherwise they'd die.At-least now we'd get done personal space!Making another less outrageous request,asked them to call her by her name instead of 'human sorceress'.Remembering i mentioned Ana's name several times in our conversation,previously,Pierce said the word 'Ava',making sure that was her name.Somehow,I'd managed to get myself called by my name and sometimes 'servant',after learning of my lack of magic.I was completely content,with treating each other as equals though we were from different worlds and would be annoyed if they began calling me something so formal.Startling Ava,Noi asked:'Do you know our names'

Hesitating,Ava pointed to the 'mature one' and said:"Your Rise"

In recognition of finally finding out his name,I spoke,in realisation:"Oh...So your name is Rise!I was completely unsure as you never really told me your name.I'm so so sorry.I really wanted to ask but I thought it would be rude..sorry...I'm making things awkward...I'll be quiet..."

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