Chapter 10 & episoide 10

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Your POV

Thump.My (small/medium/large)sized frame hit the ground.I would never get used to something as outlandish as magic!Looking around,I noticed that they'd took me back to our apartment(in Ava's bedroom),which was unsurprising.Trying to find them ,so I could go back and explain to my astonished and traumatised friend the situation-which,sadly,would make him more crazed.

Seeing a flash of green disappear through the door,I screeched:"Hey,take me back.Why did you take me?"

Stopping and looking towards me,Leif gave me a menacing grin and exclaimed:"I don't think a small magic-less pet like you should be making such demands.After all,that's all you are-our and Ava's pet."He,then,vanished from my line of vision.

I now hate him...

Scrambling onto my feet,I rushed through the door,only to be greeted with my beautiful roommate.Huffing in utter defeat-I am just a wreaking compared to them-,I sat beside Ava.Suddenly,looking toward the floor,Ava mumbled a quiet yet sincere:"Sorry..."

Seeing her visible discomfort and guilt,I hugged her tight.Her guilt easily turning to her signature anger,she looked up,her eyes burning.She ranted:"All I said was that you may tell your friend what's going on but they had to go kidnapping you.I seriously regret letting them into our home.And..Why did they have to come to us above anyone else?Why do they have to over-react and take everything so seriously?"

I continued,her fury contagious:"Why do they have to invade MY privacy?Its up to me who I tell.Guess what,Leif called me a 'pet'.A pet!Ugh!"

She stood,pumping her fist in the air.She shouted,motivating me:"Let's go tell them.Im grabbing my pencil!"

"YEAH,Grab that pencil!",I agreed.Wait...a 'pencil'?What type of army weapon is that?I suppose I have no better ideas...

She marched over to grab her pencil and I walked over to the kitchen,looking for anything that I could throw in their faces.To my dismay,there was only one thing that was 'throwable',which was a blueberry pie.I suppose it has to be sacrificed.Taking the pie from the cupboard,I marched over to the crayola mark,which was in a doorway shape and position and stepped in,behind Ava,of course.

Feeling no travel nausea or feeling confused me but I figured that everything in my life became confusing/frustrating,when these dimension-travellers took refuge in OUR home!Also,I had to admit,I also loved them being with us.It gave us a sense of meaning and fulfilment I guess;I don't really know if Ava feels that way,though.I just loved the thought of magic and other worlds and how I'm apart of something so exhilarating like being in an action movie!

Furious,Ava exclaimed,searching for the unsuspecting daemos:"When I see those idiots,im gunna stab them,stabby pencil and demand answers!Ava and Y/n are not playing around this time!Why is Ava speaking in third person?Never mind."

Intending to lighten the mood,I giggled:"Y/n thinks it's more threatening and creates more suspense,when you speak in third person.So...yeah...."

And we marched on...

Going through a large archway,Ava encouraged:"We need to be adults!And I've been blissfully ignorant so far due to the fact that they're sexy and I...."

She,suddenly,cut herself off with a large gasp!Though I wanted to disagree with her compliment of the boys,I really couldn't,resulting in my silence.Following behind Ava,I saw a beautiful fountain.They must be really wealthy to have so many enchanting rooms and expensive architecture.It was utterly glorious to witness all these palace-standard room.Both me and Ava stood there in complete awe if the clear,luscious water.

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