Chapter 12 & episode 12

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Asch POV

"oh,for heavens sake,these children.",the Elder mumbled,shaking her head in disapproval.

Confused,just as I was,Rhys asked:"Forgive me for asking but what are you doing?"

What was she doing?I was worried for Ava and y/n but all she was doing was muttering nonsense.Don't misinterpret me though,I-uh-only care because I needed to court Ava.Nothing else.

Mrs Oats replied:"Wondering how they managed to get past Ava's fathers on this.Usually Devon and Andrew are very observant about her living conditions but I take it that they were too distracted by,with her relationship with you boys to pay attention."

Rhys informed,speeding for all of us:"They had 'played down the law' with us but thy also mentioned that,for them,it was nice to see us in her apartment and for y/n to be here."

"Oh,Hmm...i'm going to see that since Ava has friends,they're going to try to give her more personal space.Well,I'm glad her parents are making an effort to let her spread her wings and fly,with y/n's supervision,of course.I wonder how they're really taking it..."

After an odd few moments of silence,the lady continued:"Well,I do suppose they're handling it like grown adults,if anything."

Just wanting Ava to be okay,so we can complete this stupid mission.Not that I care or anything...Rhys asked:"Mrs Oats?,What shall we do to make sureAva an Y/n are released from their illnesses?"

Thinking,Mrs Oats wondered:"Hmm,well...first off you boys have to change out of your fun time clothes..."

Baffled,Leif stated:"Uhh...What?"

Mrs Oats,like the confusing lady she is,exclaimed:"Uhh...nope...Oh spare the details.I don't need to know,as I have my own ideas!Id ask Ava or Y/n,if I was going to ask anyone."

This old lady makes zero sense.My eyebrows furrowing together,I questioned:"What is she talking about?"

Chuckling to herself,weirding me out further,she explained:"oh..oh...oh...Don't mind me,just get out of your clothes so we can avoid getting them messy."

Eagerly obliging,we began getting changed.Shocked,she wondered:"Wait,What are you doing?"

Blankly and honestly replying,Peirce stated:"What you said..."

Giggling in humour,she reasoned:"Not in front of me.Just go change into your regular clothes.Taking care of a sick person means the person doing the carding has to be comfortable too!"

Disregarding most of her useless explanation,we left,through the portal,to get changed...I just want Princess Ava to be alright...

Pierce POV

After getting changed,I left first through the portal.Going into Ava and y/n's room,I saw Mrs Oats trying to nurture Ava.What about y/n?Openly worried,Mrs Oats asked:"Oh,there you are.Do you think you can help me get Ava to the bath?"

Swiftly obliging,so I could return to Y/n,i:picked up Ava,followed Mrs Oats,went in the spell room,waited a few moments and dropped her in the spell pool.Leaving through the door,Mrs Oats beckoned me to follow her,meeting everyone in the 'living room'.She ordered,pretty calmly:"Pierce and Leif can go look after Y/n and everyone else wait here."

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