T W E N T Y - N I N E

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After some deep contemplation, I made up my mind on introducing Raye to my family. It took a lot of bravery and balls for me to have decided to do such a thing, but I knew I had to at some point.

This introduction, however, wasn't going to be how I normally did it. I wasn't going to invite her over for a night of dinner with my family; I couldn't. I wanted to do it separately, let each of them meet her at a different point unknown to the other.
And the first person I started with was my sister Cassie.

She was quite reasonable and calm and could somehow relate because at one point she dated a guy that was on the rough side and had introduced him to us. Sure enough, our parents weren't happy about it but they allowed her to see him only because she was grown and was capable of making her own judgments.

If I was going to need advice from anyone on how to introduce Raye to our family, it was certainly going to come from her and I sat out doing exactly as planned.

* *

"So?" I struck up with and when she and I were sitting alone in the restaurant after Raye had slipped out for a moment.
Inevitably, we had ended up having dinner at Raye's family restaurant.

The dinner was nice and well put together, so neither of us could've complained about anything.
Cassie didn't have a clue about Raye and what she did as expected and because of that, I watched as she genuinely vibed with her.
It was a good feeling but I didn't cling to it for long, because disappoint often cloaks itself well.

Cassie wasn't too noisy like the rest of my siblings but rather equanimous and open-minded and even Raye seemed at ease within her presence while we were there.

"What?" She asked staring at me smiling.

"What do you think about her?"

"Well, I must say this one seems decent compared to the last," Cassie replied and I chuckled, but a bit nervously.
I knew where the conversation would be heading and because of that, I felt anxious, too anxious.

"She is, it's why I kinda fell for her. There's just something about her that's so alluring,"

"Awww," She squeezed my hand and I laughed. Cassie was that one person everyone knew who was a hopeless romantic. She thrived off of anything remotely so and always made it known.
It was that special thing about her that made it easy to go to her with anything relationship-wise. She always had something positive and uplifting to give as feedback and I adored that.

"Where did you meet her, really?"

"Um, about that. There's something about Raye that I need to tell you before I explain that, "

It was the first time for the evening I saw Cassie scowl, and the sight was a little frightening.

"Don't tell me she stalked you?"

"Oh goodness, no. Although that version would've been simpler to explain," I replied and she chuckled.

"And don't forget quite interesting. I'd listen the shit out of a story like that."

"I know you would but I need you to just hear to me out for a sec,"

"Okay," She replied and I took a deep breath in, hoping it would've calmed my nerves.

"The reason why I haven't been as forthcoming about my relationship with Raye is because she's unlike anyone I've ever dated,"

"Okay, and what's the big fuss about that?"

"No, you don't get it. Remember that guy you dated a few years ago, Trevor?"

"Who can forget Trevor. What does this have to do about him anyway?"

"Well, Raye's sorta like that,"

"You mean she's secretly an asshole?" Cassie arched a brow and I tried not to laugh.

"No, that would've been easier to explain too but no. I mean she's almost like a thug,"

"Oh, so?"

"But a very dangerous one."

"How dangerous?" Cassie asked and I could see both interest and concern dancing together behind her lustrous eyes and I disregarded all of it. Pushing through for the sake of telling someone.

"Ties to the mafia kinda dangerous," I replied and Cassie's response to it was so nonchalant it scared me for a second.

"That's not really a big deal to me but I get why you've been scared to tell Mom and Dad."

"So you're not concerned or have anything righteous to say about it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Why would I? I've dated an entire circus of people, all coming from different walks of life Brie. This doesn't really scare me, I'm just curious how you're going to break it to our parents. If you break it to them,"

"I know and it scares me. What if they don't approve, or understand Cas?"

"C'mon Brie, you of all people should know that if anyone is capable of understanding something because it's different, it's our parents. I mean look at them. They're both from different ethnicities, they were brought up differently but still, they were able to have something."

"I know but I'm still a bit sceptical about letting them know."

"Then don't. No one's forcing you. Do it whenever you're ready if you're ever ready."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind"

"I'm serious. I wish you would because Mom would really like her. She seems super sweet and caring and as long as she's making you happy you know they wouldn't care what she does in her spare time."

"You're right," I smiled and Cassie nudged my shoulder. I felt somewhat relieved talking to someone who wasn't Christopher about Raye.

Cassie was right though, all the pent up anxiety I had over the whole thing shouldn't have been because I knew my parents. They weren't the ones to openly ridicule anyone or anything.
They always allowed my siblings and me to live the life we wanted and they were super supportive about it.

Now all I had to do was find the most suitable time to invite Raye to their house for dinner. Her meeting the rest of my family would be quite a thing to witness. They were usually well behaved, except for Bran. He was a constant pain for everyone.

* *

Upon leaving the restaurant and before Cassie and I went out separate ways, I told her how Raye and I met.  She was entertained throughout all that I said and in the end, told me I had "balls" and she was kinda right. It took balls to do what I did.

We then went about our business and as I was heading home, Raye told me she'd stay behind awhile longer.
She'd mentioned something about her uncle, I was fine with it though.

She did show up a bit later that night but something, before Raye got to me, left me feeling uneasy.

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know if it was someone that worked for her or not, but a car was parked across the street from my apartment building.
My apartment was located a few floors up, making the car very visible.

It was unlike the ones that were parked nearby, this one was different. It resembled the ones Raye and her guys drove but something about it made me feel otherwise.

Just before she had let herself inside, it was no longer there. I knew because I was up the entire time, waiting for her.
I didn't say anything about it, because it could've been one of her guys and why make a big deal out of nothing, I thought.

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