T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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By the look in Raye's eyes, I knew the answer to my question and immediately my own tears started to swell from my eyes. I stepped away for a second trying to find my balance, each breath coming rapidly as I contemplated the mess.

Only earlier that night I saw Jimmy and he was happy and smiling. He was so proud because I had his back just as he did mine but now I learned that he was killed and I didn't know how I felt about that.

"How could any of this had happened?"
I questioned holding unto the wall for support, Raye stood her ground and at the point, she wouldn't even look at me.

"I didn't see it. I didn't see any of this coming,"

"Raye," my pace was slow as I reached forward placing my hand on her arm, and the look she gave me made my heart drop even further. There was so much sadness behind her hazel orbs, it ate away at my heart. The atmosphere was now filled with a despondency so tangible and I didn't quite know how to comfort Raye, would she possibly even accept it if I did?

"The entire time he was among us just ratting the whole fucking time." She hissed and I tried to figure out if I had known this tattletale but I couldn't.

"Who did?"

"Johnny, my uncle's business partner."

"What?" I couldn't believe what she'd said. I knew who Johnny was, I was familiar with him but I hadn't a clue he was like that.

A few months back I'd met him, he had been at Raye's apartment and I hated the way he smelled, which was of stale cigarettes and liquor. I'd see him a few times around and each time he'd look at me in very cryptic ways, but he was never disrespectful nor would he say anything to me.

"How could he do that, isn't he one your people?"

"My uncle's people. I only kept him close for business. Apparently, he never got over the fact that Paul left me in charge after he died."

"That's no reason for him to hate you."

"Yeah, tell that to him. Sold his own people out, just to get his shit blown out eventually by the Irish." Raye said her face set with contempt and I didn't say anything else too her. I just stood watching her and the other two with an aching heart for them.

I watched as she went over to Giovanni and I did the same. He was fine, he just had a sprained ankle which was going to heal, but I could tell mentally he'd never heal from the trauma.

"What did he tell the Irish?" I followed Raye into the bathroom and started to watch her undress, taking the blood-soaked t-shirt and jeans off.
Flashbacks from the first night I met her came into my mind and instinctively my eyes fell on the scar she had on her side. It had grown less visible over the course of time but it was still there and I often tried to ignore it for my sake.

Thoughts that it could always happen again would invade my mind and it often left me shaky and paranoid.

I don't know what I'd do if she ever got hurt again.

"Everything. How much money we were making, where the members lived, what I was up too and who I had in my personal life."

"He told them about me?" I asked and she glanced me for a moment or two, dark circles beginning to be seen underneath her eyes.

"Everything, he told them everything that he knew Brienna,"

"And where is he?" My tone was filled with anger and contempt. Never before had I wanted someone to be hurt as badly as I wished this guy would be.

"He got away. He was the one that shot Jimmy. Putting a bullet in his head and that's how Giovanni got hurt, he tried to go after him but he struck him down." she said.

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