New Neighbor

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This book is full of narration. I think I can finish this book in less than  a week as I know the plot already.

please be patient with the story and read until the end. 😁


The afternoon breeze was so calming and I found myself sitting at the park facing the lake. This was our favorite place. Here, we spent the whole day just looking at nowhere, enjoying the view, laughing at silly jokes and eating ice cream. Even without talking, just him beside me made me forget about time.

Today, I'm sitting here with a small box in my hand. I opened it and the diamond ring glistened by the light of the afternoon sky. I took it and place it on the palm of my hand. I'm so excited to place this on to Seokjin's finger. This will look beautiful on him. As I place this ring around his finger, I wanted to let him know how much I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.

One year ago...

My new neighbor were very toxic. They were a very weird couple. I can hear from my bedroom how the guy beats his partner. I can hear sobs in the middle of the night. I cannot sleep most of the time as I am worried about the guy being beaten as I haven't seen him yet. Was he okay? Still breathing?

We've been neighbors for over a month now and all I can see was a tall guy with blonde hair going out of their apartment every morning. He usually comes back at night time. Then after an hour, I can hear some yelling, glass shattering and more sobbing. That's how my neighbors spent their day, almost everyday.

One time, I just came back from school, I saw a lanky guy with brown hair peaking through his black cap. He was walking really fast and his eyes wandering around as if he's afraid of someone to see him. In his hand was a bag that contains, I believe, medicines as I can see the logo of our local pharmacy printed on the bag. I ran fast and walked beside him. I'm trying to look at his face but he intentionally covered it with the brim of his cap. I know that he's the neighbor that I haven't seen yet.

"Hi?" I greeted him. He doesn't even look. He reached inside his pocket and took a key holder with several keys attached to it. His hands were visibly shaking that the keys fell on the floor. I picked it up and gave it back to him. I can see some bruises on his hands. Maybe he have more on his arms as he was wearing long sleeves. Perhaps, he wanted to hide them.

"My name is Taehyung. We are neighbors." I smiled. He's still not looking at me as his head remained bowed down. But I can see a small smile that formed from his bruised lips.

I can see how he struggled to insert the key in to the key hole as his hands were both shaking. I can feel it even without asking that he was very scared. Not liking what I am witnessing, I get the key from his hand and opened the door for him.

"Thank you." He said almost like a whisper as he went inside and closed the door of his apartment.

I remained on his front door feeling a little guilty. This guy inside the apartment next to mine needed help. I can feel how frightened he was when I talked to him. As if he doesn't want anyone to talk or look at him.

I noticed a small roll of bandage at the corner of his door. I picked it up and knocked on his door. Maybe it fell when he dropped the keys and leaned down to try pick them up.

I can hear someone running from the inside like in a hurry. As soon as he opened the door, my smile faded instantly. He too was surprised maybe because he was expecting that the one knocking was his partner. My mouth agape by the sight of a man with a black eye, a cut lip and bruises on his cheeks. I am so disturbed by what I just saw in front of me. I can't believe how badly bruised he was. The guy grabbed the bandage from my hand and closed the door immediately.

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