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My intuition proves that it's time to run away.

As we are quietly planning with Jacob, we have to face an obstacle.

I suppose I'll have to introduce him to my family earlier.

Grandpa is waiting for me in the car, furrowing his eyebrows. It seems like he has had a bad day at work.

"Get in the car, Renesmee," he orders, "You are in big trouble."

During the journey home, I keep my head up high, not letting my grandfather see that I am actually feeling anxious. Perhaps I haven't been as careful as I would have liked to? How am I in trouble? There are no cameras at the bathroom, they couldn't have seen me... or Jacob.

At home, it isn't any better. The whole family is judging me silently, yet not-so-much.

Grandpa comes into the room, carrying his laptop. And when he opens it, he plays footage from the cameras at the hospital. At first, everything seems normal. The whole family watches how I walk into the bathroom. But then, they see Jacob entering. Grandpa speeds up the footage until I can see myself on the cameras again, as I am leaving the bathrooms.

"I don't understand. What's the problem?", I shrug my shoulders, trying to play dumb.

My mother sighs, "Why are you in the toilet for so long? What are you doing there?"

"I have human needs if you bother to remember," I mutter.

Grandpa speeds up the footage once again and stops it when Jacob can be seen. He is smiling, oblivious to the fact that he is being watched. And I remember - it's from the day when we were taking photos in the bathroom and kissing. I feel like I am going to explode.

"Who is he?", Grandpa's eyes meet mine again. He is pointing at Jacob on the screen.

I stand up sharply from my seat. What is their problem? Why can't they leave me alone? They've had all of their lives to enjoy being young. Now it's my turn and they won't ruin it for me, "It's a guy, okay? A guy, who comes to the hospital to visit a sick family member, just like everyone else!"

My dad looks like he is going to burst at any moment, "You are not supposed to talk to other humans! You are dangerous, Renesmee! You're not like them!"

I gasp, "How dare you? I haven't hurt anybody! I would never!"

I run to my bedroom and make sure to lock it. Not that it will prevent vampires from barging in, uninvited, wanting to play investigators with me. I won't give them the satisfaction of breaking me. They won't get what they want - to lock me in a cage and to experiment with me.

I. Am. Not. A. Monster.

Never been and will never be one.

I spend the remainder of the evening hiding in my bed, tears furiously streaming down my face, my fingers dancing on the screen of my iPod, changing plans last minute.

I'm leaving, never looking back again...

The Experiment [RENESMEE CULLEN]Where stories live. Discover now