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"Princess Rosalie Visiting Princess Etheline, A Battle Of Mass Destruction"

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Tent city was filled with young Serpents, including Fangs, Leon and Oscar, who sat with Cheryl and Toni. They were spending time away from Sweet Pea, who wanted to be alone. What better way than to spend time with two of their favourite girls.

Cheryl's eyes scanned the three boys, sighing as she looked at Leon. She wasn't close to the boy, though out of the three she was closest to him.

"How are the wonderful Lion and the Bat? Have you planned how you're going to kill him yet, Batty?"

Fangs let out a chuckle, while Oscar shook his head. "His name is Fangs" he told the girl, who shrugged. "I don't care."

"I can't tell you, it's secret information, currently hush, hush" Fangs joked. "Well if you need help, I'm sure I can find somebody willing to dispose of the boy" Cheryl replied. "As long as you take Oscar out with him, then I'm cool with it" Toni added.

Fangs grinned as he looked between the other two male Serpents. He would never hurt either of them, they both meant so much to him. He loved them both, though in different ways. Oscar was his unofficial brother, he wasn't as close to him as Sweet Pea, yet they were still Brothers.

Leon was the love of his life. He loved the boy, there was no doubt about it. He wanted to shout it at the top of his voice, though he was scared. He knew the boy cared for him, but he wasn't sure if Leon loved him back yet.

"That was the plan" Fangs said. "Kill two birds, or two snakes with one stone."

Leon made a huffing sound. "Fuck you." "Fine, if that's how you feel, maybe I'll just steal Leon." Oscar looked over at the Northside Serpent. "We'll run away and you'll never see us again."

"You can have him, though I'm pretty sure you'll give him back in an hour" Fangs said. "More like half. A person can only handle Lion for so long, he's extremely irritating" Cheryl added.

"I don't care, you can carry on hating" Leon said as he stretched in his chair. "I know I'm great and when you hate, you make me feel unstoppable."

The teens all chuckled before a silence took over them. They were enjoying the silence, the peaceful moment in Riverdale.

Oscar was curious on many things. He was curious on whether the Ghoulies were planning on attacking them, like they did to Jughead.

"What do you think the Ghoulies did with the Wyrm?"

Toni looked at the boy and shrugged. "Who knows?"

"Knowing them, they turned it into a drug lab" Leon mumbled. "Yeah, their new Jingle Jangle headquarters" Fangs added.

"As long as they stay on the Southside" Toni said, causing her girlfriend to hum in agreement. "Far away from us. They're nothing more than crazed, drugged lunatics."

"I could never be a drug dealer" Leon mumbled to himself. "I mean, I took JJ before, but it was only once." Oscar nodded his head. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I smoke weed, that's it." Toni snorted. "Don't we all?"

Leon grinned as he remembered something he had in his pocket, something that would help them relax even more. "Speaking of weed." He pulled out a joint, waving it for all of his friends to see.

"Anyone wanna join me in the high land?"

Toni smirked as she looked at the boy. He may annoy her, a lot, especially when he was around Oscar. But he did have a few good ideas every now and then.

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