Epilogue +10 Years Later

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The future truly was bright for them all.

Rosalie and Sweet Pea had three children, Twin boys, Jordan and Drew and one girl, Bethany. 

Sweet Pea strangely became sheriff, something that shocked everyone. He was tough on all, yet nobody hated him, they all respected him. Crime had gone down drastically, all because of him.

Rosalie opened her own hotel chain, which spread all over the world in only a few years. She also started a charity helping underprivilege children.

Cheryl, Toni, Leon and Fangs helped each other. They mixed their DNA together to have children.

Coincidentally, Cheryl and Toni ended up with a red haired child with tanned skin and dark eyes. They named him Jason, after, well Jason.

Cheryl became a model, while Toni was a famous fashion designer, her favourite model of course being Cheryl, though often her wife didn't work for her. Cheryl was most known for Victoria Secret.

Leon and Fangs ended up with a baby girl, they named her Elena, after Rosalie, something that made the girl smile.

Leon followed into his parents footsteps, becoming a successful lawyer, standing for the little guys against big companies. He never lost a case.

Fangs became a teacher, not earning as much money as his husband, yet he enjoyed teaching children. Yes, he was a preschool teacher.

Oscar and Veronica had a child, a boy, they named him Javier, a name both liked.

Oscar became a mechanic, he was able to fix anything, a car, or computer. Everybody was shocked that he had improved so much. Yet, give him paper work, he hated it.

Veronica had became a successful business woman, opening up more businesses, more bars, and clubs, all becoming successful.

Melanie opened more restaurants and bars across the country. She only did legal business. She also had built apartments for the residents of Riverdale, with help from Andrews construction. Honey Bee went to college and got a business degree, helping Melanie run her businesses.

Aaron became mayor, while Abigail was still a lawyer, only dealing with legal cases.

Jesse took over Melanie's businesses in Riverdale with his beautiful wife, Isabelle and their daughter Rosetta.

Betty became a famous journalist, though unfortunately her relationship with Jughead didn't last. She met somebody else and had two children, two boys.

Jughead became a famous author, writing mystery and horror novels. He was married, yet didn't have any children. 

Archie became a famous singer. He still visited, though not often. He was enjoying being famous.

They were all happy with their lives, even Kevin had found somebody to love him, somebody who truly loved him.


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