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"Bad Things Happen To Those Who Do Bad Things."

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What is a relationship?

Was Fangs in a dead end relationship with Leon? Were they destined to stay how they were? Sex, with little PDA?

Fangs wanted somebody to show him off, treat him special, yet with Leon, the boy seemed to show him minimum affection in public. He couldn't help but think the boy was ashamed of him.

Sweet Pea sat opposite his friend, his brother, the two eating a burger at Pop's. The taller boy had noticed Fangs' strange behaviour, the distant look in the boy's eyes.

"Okay man, what the hell's going on with you?" Sweet Pea finally asked. He wanted to help his brother with whatever was bothering him.

Fangs wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Sweet Pea the whole truth, though some of it may help him. "I-I think Leon's not into me."

Sweet Pea couldn't help but chuckle at the words. Leon was smitten with Fangs, he just wasn't good at showing his emotions, something Sweet Pea remembered being like himself. He knew the little things Leon did were his way of showing Fangs how much he cared for him, how much he loved him.

"Dude, you're insane. Leon loves you, he's just shit at showing it" Sweet Pea told his brother.

Fangs shook his head. He wanted to believe Sweet Pea, part of him did, the other part believed Kevin was right. Leon wasn't one to settle down with people. He was a lone wolf. He'd want to go back to that again.

"Leon speaks about you when you're not around, it's disgusting. He speaks about how lucky he is to have you." Sweet Pea shoved a handful of fries in his mouth. "He loves you, bro."

Once the two boys finished, they made their way to their bikes, only to see Cheryl and her Gang. They didn't know what the girls wanted, but they knew it wouldn't be good.

"What can we do for you ladies?" Sweet Pea asked, causing Cheryl to chuckle. "You really think you can speak to me like that after everything that's happened?" "I have no idea what you're talking about" Fangs said.

"You Serpents are nothing but heathens. You're thorns on my rose bush. Nobody likes thorns." Cheryl smiled at the two boys, a smile that could only be described as sinister. 

"Well, I'm glad you care about us Serpents, it means so much to me" Sweet Pea said sarcastically.

"That's the type of attitude we expected from a slimy snake" one girl hissed at them. "Stay away from Toni, stay away from us, otherwise, you'll be hurt" Cheryl threatened them.

Sweet Pea and Fangs shared a look before laughing. The girl's weren't even slightly intimidating, they were just that, girls. "Shouldn't you be at home having pillow fights?" Sweet Pea teased.

A grin appeared on Cheryl's face at his words. "I was hoping you'd say that." She clicked her fingers and the girl's began to attack.

"Hey, hey!" Sweet Pea yelled at them. He could do nothing as they attacked him. He would not hit a girl, he wouldn't turn into that type of man. Fangs shared the same views as his brother. 

The two boys took each punch, each kick the girl's threw at them. They couldn't help but wonder if Toni knew what 'Her' Gang was doing to them.

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Rosalie was about to make herself dinner, when she received a phone call from Jughead, telling her she was needed at his trailer immediately. She was clueless to what had happened.

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