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"What The Hell Do We Have Here?"

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Heart break, something Oscar related to rather well. After speaking to Rosalie, Veronica decided to stay with Oscar, just so she wasn't alone. He was nervous about the girl staying with him, though technically it wasn't even his house, he was just house sitting.

Oscar brought over a hot chocolate to the girl, he attempted to add chocolate sprinkles and cream, though the cream was messy.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

Veronica looked at the boy smiling slightly. "Thank you." She took the drink, taking a simple sip.

"I'm not sure the right drink to make for heart break. I usually drink wine."

"Wine?" Veronica questioned, slightly amused.

Oscar pointed a spoon at the Lodge girl as he playfully threatened her. "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you, and I'll use this very spoon to do it."

A silence filled the room as the two sat alone. The situation seemed all to familiar for Oscar, it was just like when his best friend left after her heart break. The only difference, Archie did what he thought was best for Veronica, while Sweet Pea cheated on Rosalie.

Veronica's eyes flickered over to a picture of Rosalie and Sweet Pea. It was still in the house, despite the break up. She was surprised Oscar didn't get rid of the pictures, since he was currently house sitting for the girl.

She felt sorry for Oscar. He was alone, without his best friend. The Serpent boy seemed to drift away from his Serpent friends, spending more time with Veronica. While she may have liked spending time with the boy, she was worried about him.

"How does it feel? Staying here, in a house that isn't yours?" Veronica asked.

A small, sad smile was on Oscar's face as he looked around the room. He missed the girl and despite the fact he stayed in Rosalie's house, it felt empty without her. It didn't help that he was a terrible cook.

"It's lonely" he admitted. "I feel like I don't belong here, but I made a promise, one I attend to keep."

"You're a good guy, Oscar. Josie was a fool" Veronica said. A chuckle escaped Oscar's mouth at the mention of Josie. It wasn't a one way street, she wasn't the only fool. "So is Sweet Pea."

Veronica's eyes widened as she stared at Oscar. She knew the boy didn't mean to say the words out loud, but he did and now she knew the truth. Everything started to make sense. Oscar hated Josie because she hooked up with Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea, who had a girlfriend at the time.

Sweet Pea, who's girlfriend broke up with him for an unknown reason.

Sweet Pea, who's ex girlfriend fled the town.

A loud gasp escaped Veronica's mouth as she finally discovered the truth about Rosalie's disappearance. "Oh my God! Sweet Pea cheated on Rosalie!"

Oscar cursed under his breath as he realised what he had done. He had broken his promise, of course it was unintentional. Then again, he didn't tell Veronica, not exactly, just that Sweet Pea was a fool. She figured it out herself.

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't she scream of the betrayal?" Veronica questioned. "She loves him, it's as simple as that. She didn't want everyone hating him, even if she hated what he did to her, she loves him" Oscar replied.

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