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"Please Don't Let Him Take You Away"

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Oscar loved Rosalie, that was a fact. Yes, he wasn't in love with her, but he loved her as he would a sister. The girl looked after him, as he tried to her.

The two were currently at the Wilde House, Rosalie cooking dinner for them, while Oscar kept watching over her shoulder.

"Did you make enough?"

A sigh escaped Rosalie's mouth as she stirred the homemade sauce. The boy always wanted more, so for that reason she made sure there was always extra.

"Last time I made enough for five extra people. We had enough to give to other people. We literally gave food to a Family" she reminded the boy.

"Hey!" he snapped playfully. "They were grateful, they gave us chocolate." "You ate my share!" she snapped back.

A grin appeared on his face at the memory. He did enjoy chocolate, especially when he didn't share it. It wasn't his fault, he wasn't taught to share in school, he didn't have siblings he had to share with either.

"It was delicious."

Rosalie rolled her eyes. He really was like an annoying younger brother. She often forgot that he was a year younger than her, that he wouldn't be graduating with her.

A knock on the door caused Rosalie to frown. She wasn't expecting company, neither was Oscar, at least he didn't tell her. The only person Oscar would allow in the house without her permission would be Veronica, or possibly Demira.

"Can you get the door?"

Oscar looked towards the door, before looking back at the girl. "I'm pretty sure it's attached by hinges, but I'll answer it."

"You're actually an idiot," Rosalie told the boy, a small smile on her face. "Don't you forget it, baby." He winked at the girl before going to the door.

When he opened the door, his eyes widened at who he saw. He couldn't speak, it was as if he lost his voice. "Mother?"

"Hello, son" Isabelle greeted her child.

It took Oscar another few seconds before he realised it truly was his mother in front of him. "Oh my, God. Mummy!"

He hugged the woman, kissing her cheek multiple times as she laughed. She was expecting that exact reaction from her son, it was why she didn't tell him she was coming, to surprise him.

While Oscar was hugging and kissing his mother, Jesse walked over to them, carrying two suitcases. He always found Oscar to be a loving child, especially after what he did to his mother. He sent the woman away so she'd be safe, not many people would do that, they'd go with them, or keep them near and promise to protect them.

"That's cute." Jesse's voice caused the two to break their hug. "You're still a Mamma's boy."

Oscar chuckled at the man. He wasn't afraid to admit he loved his mother, why would he? His Mother raised him to be the boy he was, without her he'd be nothing.

"Thanks dude, for looking after my mother."

"It's been a pleasure," Jesse said. It really had been a pleasure, in more ways than one, though he wouldn't tell Oscar that. "Now can you let us in? We have travelled all this way."

Oscar allowed the two to enter, taking Jesse's suitcases and moving them out of the way. It was a lovely surprise seeing the two and he knew Rosalie would be happy too.

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