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"Whatever It Takes."

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Oscar stood alone in Fox Forest. He wasn't sure what he was doing there, but he knew it was important.

The sky quickly became dark, leaving Oscar with no light. The moonlight was blocked out by the tall trees.

"You didn't really think you had a chance, did you?" a voice spoke.

Oscar looked around, yet he couldn't see anyone, only darkness. "Who's there?"

"You never stood a chance with me" the voice repeated.

Oscar was confused. He knew the voice, he just wasn't sure who it belonged to. "This isn't funny."

The boy jumped as he saw Betty standing next to him. "Jeez, you could've gave me a heart attack" he told the girl. Betty didn't reply, she stared at the boy with blank eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. I have Jughead." Betty smiled at the boy. "I have love. Who do you have?"

Oscar frowned at her words. They didn't sound like Betty, yet the girl was definitely the blonde beauty, he'd recognise her anywhere.

"You never stood a chance with me" she told him. "You deserve to be alone, it's your destiny."

Oscar shook his head. He wasn't going to be alone, he'd find somebody, just not yet. He was still young, younger than his friends.

He frowned as he realised he was the same age as Betty, a year younger than his Serpent friends, not including Jughead. They all found love last year, when they were his age.

"She's right, you know" Josie's voice said. He would recognise her musical voice from miles away.

"You never had a chance with me, I used you, to get the one I truly wanted."

Sweet Pea walked out from behind a tree, approaching them. He put his arm over Josie. "I love you, my pussycat." "I love you too" a smiling Josie told the boy.

Oscar watched as they kissed. It was wrong, the sight was strange, it didn't seem right. Sweet Pea was destined for Rosalie, not Josie.

"What about Rosalie?" Oscar asked the two.

Sweet Pea smirked at the boy as Rosalie walked out from behind a tree, her body covered in cuts and bruises. Oscar tried to approach her, tried to reach her, yet he couldn't move his feet.

She stared at him, not speaking, blood dripping from the cuts on her body.


"Oscar" she whimpered. "Help me."

He tried to reach her again, but his feet wouldn't allow him. "I'm sorry" he cried as he tried to reach out to her. "Please, let me help!" he yelled.

"You can't help her" Josie told him. "You're not good enough."

"You're second best" Sweet Pea added. "Second best to me, as always."

Betty stood next to the two, smiling at him. "You'll never be good enough for anyone."

"Alone" Josie said.

"Alone" Betty repeated.

"Second best" Sweet Pea taunted.

The girl's kept repeating the word "Alone", while Sweet Pea kept repeating "Second Best."

Oscar screamed. He wanted the nightmare to end. He wanted to help Rosalie, who stood still, bleeding out.

✔ Dark Rose [3] (Riverdale) ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz