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"We Need To Blow It Up."

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Stalking wasn't something Oscar planned to do on his Saturday Night/Sunday morning, he knew he should be sleeping. He needed answers, as did Veronica, who was with him on his mission.

The two continued to follow Demira, waiting for the right moment to strike. Oscar felt like something from a spy movie, and just like all movies, he would make sure the good guys won. It was strange how the once violent teen was now much so calmer.

"Ready?" Veronica whispered. Oscar nodded his head, before rushing over to Demira. He covered her mouth, before dragging her to Veronica.

Oscar dragged Demira all the way to Rosalie's house, Veronica by his side. Of course the house wasn't just Rosalie's, it was Oscar's, as well as Sweet Pea's, who had moved back in.

Demira was thrown on the sofa, staring at her two friends in shock. "What are you doing to me?" "How lovely to see you too, Demira," Oscar greeted falsely. She gulped nervously as she stared at the two. "Have I-I done something wrong?"

Veronica let out a humming sound as she looked at Oscar. "Ozzy, would you say Demira's done something wrong?" "I'm not sure, do you, Ron?" He asked.

"Does this count as something wrong?" Veronica questioned, as she held up Demira's phone. The girl let out a gasp, staring at her phone in shock. "Where did you find that?"

"Well, you see, we found it after following a suspicious person," Veronica started, only for Oscar to take over. "A message was opened, what did it say again, Veronica?"

"The king demands your audience," Veronica read in a deep voice. "He needs the Queen soon, or all will fail." "What a strange message," Oscar said.

Veronica glared at the girl. The events from the prom playing on her mind. Rosalie was crowned as the Gargoyle Queen, the message was clear. "You were planning on giving Rosalie to the Gargoyle King, weren't you?"

Demira remained silent, not even looking at the two in front of her. Oscar's anger grew at the girl's silence. "Were you?!"

Oscar's loud voice did nothing to Demira, apart from cause tears to fall down her face. She wasn't going to break, not for Oscar.

Veronica let out a sigh, before shaking her head. "Fine, tie her up." Oscar nodded his head, grabbing the rope that was under the sofa. He was the only one who knew it was there, due to him being the one who broke the skipping rope.

"Let me go!" Demira demanded as Oscar tied her arms together. "I will be back in a few minutes. Don't let her go." Veronica went up the stairs, leaving Oscar alone with Demira.

"He'll find me," Demira sneered. "If he does, then so be it," the boy mumbled.

Veronica went to all the doors, attempting to remember which one was Rosalie's. A smile appeared on her face as she saw a rose on a door. 'That's one way to assure everyone knows it's you.' She knocked on the door, pushing it open when she heard a soft mumbling.

She was relieved that Rosalie and Sweet Pea weren't undressed, though Rosalie was clearly just woken up by the knock. Given that it was 3am, she wasn't surprised.

"Ron, what's wrong?" Rosalie mumbled. "Demira's working for the Gargoyle King," Veronica told her. "Go away," Sweet Pea mumbled, as he tried to hug Rosalie.

Rosalie's eyes widened as she got out of bed. She gave Sweet Pea a kiss on the head. "I'll be back soon." The boy mumbled something, before going back to sleep.

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