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Mark is driving the car while listening to music, Donghyuck is really itching to ask Mark where they will go "hyung where are we going?"Mark smiles "its a surprise" Donghyuck pouts and Mark ruffles his hair.

It took 5 hours of driving from Seoul to Busan, Donghyuck even fall asleep while Mark is driving. Mark didn't get bored at looking at the sleeping Hyuck while being stuck in traffic, he can't help but to stare at the cute angel.

"Hyuck wake up we're here" Donghyuck slowly opens his eyes "where are we?" Mark smiles "get up and lets go outside for you to find out okay?" Donghyuck hurriedly unbuckle his seat belt and opens the door, he looks around and he saw Jisung. "Jisungeeeeee" Donghyuck runs as he hugs Jisung tight "Hyuck hyung?" Donghyuck sobs as he nods "Hyuckie hyung misses Jisungee a lot" "hyung why did you escaped there?" "I will tell you but let's go inside first" Donghyuck was about to go inside when he remember the groceries and Mark "wait! I forgot something" Donghyuck runs back to the car and saw Mark leaning on his car "hyung I'm sorry I forgot the groceries and I forgot to let you inside Jisung's house." Mark ruffles his hair "I was about to sulk because you forgot about my existence here" Donghyuck hugs him "don't sulk hyung, Hyuck is sorry" "nah I'm just kidding, let's get inside and let's bring these to Jisung" Mark gets all the plastic bags and follows Donghyuck inside.

"annyeonghaseyo" Jisung's mom widens his eyes when Donghyuck greeted "I-i thought we will not see you anymore" Jisung's mom hugs him tight, she's deadass worry about Donghyuck when Jisung told her that Donghyuck escaped, they're looking for him when they're free. "Hyuckie is fine" Donghyuck giggles and pulls Mark on his side "this is Markeu hyung I'm staying at his house" Jisung gave Mark a look "hyung is he good to you?" Donghyuck immediately nods "he's so kind Jisungee" Jisung not yet believing Donghyuck and continue glaring at Mark.
"auntie I brought some groceries for you, uncle and Jisungee" "you don't need to buy those Hyuck you being fine is enough for us" Donghyuck smiles "please accept this auntie this is nothing, you let me stay here for how many months when mom and dad died" Jisung's mom was about to complain but Donghyuck went straight to the kitchen and starts arranging the groceries.

While Donghyuck and Jisung's mom are busy at the kitchen Mark and Jisung is having a glare contest. "tell me did you take advantage of hyung's syndrome?" Mark shakes his head "do I look like I will take advantage of someone's weakness?" Jisung clicks his tongue "yeah you kinda look like you're taking advantage of someone's weakness" Mark was about to answer Jisung but Jisung looks at his eyes and give him a cold look "that's why I don't trust you"

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