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Mark go inside a plushie store to find a watermelon plushie, they both love eating watermelon so Mark brought 2 watermelon plushies.

Mark is smiling widely while heading on his way home. Mark hurriedly opens the door of his house and calls Donghyuck. "Donghyuck! Donghyuck!" he frowns when no one answered, he heads to Donghyuck's room, he saw his mom inside the room. "what are you doing here? Where's Donghyuck?" "oh hi my dear son. Donghyuck is gone. He left because he doesn't want to be here anymore." Mark shakes his head and glares on his mom  "Donghyuck is homeless, he doesn't have parents and he used to lived on the streets. So do you think I'm going to believe you?" his mom gulps, she knows Mark is scary when he's mad. "I get rid of him because I want you to spend your time with Eunji not on that stupid boy!" "why don't you waste your fckin time with that girl instead? You want her right? Then do what do you want to her" his mom remained silent, so Mark turns his back and starts walking,his mom hold his arm"hey where are you going?" Mark removes his mom's hand on his arm.

"I'm going to find Donghyuck"

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