Part IX

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INT. Hotel room the same morning. Toni and her friends are talking. Toni's face is badly beaten. She is wearing a robe and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Danielle: I cant believe he did this to you.

ALEX: Girl, believe it! Look at her.

(Rubs small circles on Toni's back)

He needs to get his ass kicked.

JAYDA: For real! Toni say the word and I'll have the whole Hawks team down here to fuck him up.



TONI: Two wrongs don't make a right and I just want to put this behind me and move on.

ALEX: Move on? Toni, look at your face. You can't let him get away with this.

JAYDA: And he won't!

DANIELLE: What provoked him to do this? Did y'all get into an argument or something?

(Toni sighs and gets off the bed. Walks over to the mirror to look at her face)

TONI: We got into an argument this morning. I stayed out a little late last night and was not home back in time to make his dinner.

ALEX: That's it, I'm calling Vince.

TONI: No, Alex. Don't. I should've been there. Then maybe he wouldn't have told me to my face that Isis was a better side bitch than I am a wife.

JAYDA: He said that?

(She nods yes)

TONI: I know I should've said something a while back but... I just didn't know how to tell you guys.

ALEX: You don't have to explain anything, sweetheart.

JAYDAY: Yeah. We're just glad you were able to get out alive. Not many women are fortunate.

DANIELLE: The cops should be picking him up anytime now. Thank goodness you remember Charles worker downtown and made me call him.

TONI: Yeah. But I don't know if that'll do any good. He'll probably be out on the streets in an hour. He'll probably just lie his way out the station.

(She sighs)

I just wish we could make sure that he won't just get a slap on the wrist.

DANIELLE: I'll call Charles right now. He's not walking free.

TONI: Thank you so much, Danny.

(She gets up and walk over to Danielle to give her a hug. The women do not notice the little mischievous smile on her face)

DANIELLE: You don't have to thank me. You know I got your back.

ALEX: How are you going to manage to pull this off? Who's Charles?

DANIELLE: He's a cop that works downtown. I met him a year ago when he brought his sister into The Center. After I helped his sister out he said if I ever needed anything to give him a call. I'm pretty sure he'll come up with something.

( Starts to dial a number. Toni walks over to the mirror in the room)

TONI: But what if he gets in trouble for doing this? Maybe we shouldn't.

JAYDA: Toni, don't change your mind now.  Rashad is going to finally get what he deserves.

(Toni still looking in the mirror)

ALEX: Toni why don't you get dressed so that we could go down to the station? You still haven't given your official statement yet.

TONI: I want to. I really do but, Rashad is too powerful. They'll just let him get away with it.

ALEX: Which is why you need to go down there and give your statement. Go there and make some noise-

TONI: So that I can be portrayed as the angry black woman? It's bad enough people will automatically take his side and say "she deserved it," or "she's just trying to get money out of him."

DANIELLE: But Toni, we know the truth. We believe you. Don't let that man get away with this. Don't let his money and power scare you from speaking out.

JAYDA: Yeah, T. Don't don't be another victim. Speak out and let someone else who's going through any form of abuse knows that they're not alone.

TONI: You know what...

(Turns to face them)

You're right. Give me a moment to get myself together and we can go down to the station.

(Her phone starts to vibrate on the dresser. Caller ID shows Troys name)

ALEX: Okay, we'll wait for you in the lobby.


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