Part XV

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INT. Police station. Don, Alex, Jayda and Danielle rush into the station.

ALEX: What floor is James office on?

DON: Considering I've never been arrested before, I wouldn't know.

JAYDA: But that's your friend,  right?

DON: Did you know your friend was a heartless succubus? Alright, then!

DANIELLE: Always so extra.

(They start arguing. It gets a little too loud, drawing the attention of others. The officer behind the front desk interrupts them)

TAMI: Excuse me!

(Signals them to come to her desk)

If you folks haven't notice, this is a place of business, not your mama's basement. So I would really appreciate it if you could use you inside voices. Okay?

JAYDA: I'm sorry, ma'am-

TAMI: Did you just ma'am me? How old do I look to you?

JAYDA: Does it matter?

TAMI: I see you're wanna get kicked out of here.

DON: That would not be necessary

(Looks at her name tag)


(Extends his hand)

I'm Don.

(Shakes his hand. He kisses her hand) We didn't mean to be loud. We're just trying to locate James Harris office.

TAMI: Mm-mhh. Second floor, take a left, a left then a right and it's the second office on your right.

DON: Thanks, sweetness.

(Winks at her)

TAMI: Mm-mhh.

(They leave)

Almost had to swipe my bitch card!

(Don, Jayda, Alex and Danielle rounds the corner towards James's office. They enter)

DON: Where's Rashad?

(James is sitting at his desk.)

JAMES: Hey, Don. Nice of you to knock. Nice to see you too, ladies, come in.

(Alex closes the door. They're backs turned from the events in the station)

DON: Any other day you know I'd kick it with you but not now, James. Where's Rashad?

JAMES: As you can see, he's not in here. I don't know where he is.

DON: I thought you were going to look out for him?

JAMES: I did!

DON: Then where is he now? You were the last person to see him.

JAMES: Wait a minute! I was interviewing him but then my boss sent for me to go down to a crime scene from last night.

DANIELLE: Maybe Toni dropped the charges and he just wanted to be alone.

DON: Would that be before or after she bailed Troy out?

JAMES: Troy? From college?

DON: Yep, that Troy.

JAMES: Why would Toni bail him out? Did I miss something?

(Don proceeds to fill him in. The scene moves outside of the office. Rashad is being escorted by an officer)

OFFICER #2: I'm gonna need you not to do anything irrational when I take these cuffs off.

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