Part X

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Int. Police station, interviewing room. James and Rashad are siting across from each other.

JAMES: When was the last time you saw her?

RASHAD: Yesterday.

JAMES: Yesterday?

RASHAD: Yeah, I think so.

JAMES: You think so?

RASHAD: Look man, I don't remember! She was hardly ever home in the first place and every time she was we were always arguing.

JAMES: About what?

RASHAD: Everything. I would say the smallest thing to her and she would just attack me.

JAMES: So you're saying she was the aggressor?

RASHAD: I'm saying that woman is crazy.

(Knock at the door)

JAMES: Come in.

(Enters officer Charles)

CHARLES: Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak to you for a few seconds.

JAMES: Okay, sure.

(Gets up from the table and leaves the room with Charles)

CHARLES: Cap want you and Morris to go to the scene from last night. Something about new evidence coming up.

JAMES: What kind of evidence?

CHARLES: Some shell cases were missed with the first sweep. Kim's team found some special shaped bullets that are known to be used by the Malo Krew.

JAMES: Oh, shit! We got them!

CHARLES: Yeah, go! I'll handle the interview from here.

JAMES: Alright, let me grab my keys.

(Return back to the interview room w/ Charles)

JAMES: Rashad, I got to go to a scene I was investigating, but Charles will take care of you. He'll just ask you a few more questions and then you should be out of here by noon.

RASHAD: Okay, man. No problem.

(James leaves. Charles takes a seat)

Hello, Charles. Nice to meet you.

(Extends his hand to shake)

CHARLES: That's officer to you, you little bastard.

RASHAD: Excuse me?

CHARLES: Shut up! You think you're gonna beat a defenseless woman and not go to jail because you have connections?

RASHAD: I didn't—

CHARLES: I said shut up! You're gonna do time boy!

(Rashad starts to tap his foot trying to remain calm)

RASHAD: Once again, I did not—

CHARLES: Did I tell you to talk?!

(Getting irritated)

RASHAD: Okay, enough of this. I'm done talking to you. Where's your captain?

CHARLES: Who do you think you are, boy?

RASHAD: I'm an attorney who's well aware of the law and my rights. I'm not going to let a biased pig think because he has a badge he can get away with treating me like anything but a human being. The routine is for you to ask me questions, not harass me. If you found any evidence or had any to begin with, then an arrest would have been made. You don't have any, because I didn't do anything.

(Rashad takes off his jacket. Charles chuckles)

CHARLES: So your innocent?

RASHAD: Did you not hear me?

CHARLES: Then you wouldn't mind explaining how you that that streak of blood on your shirt right there?

(Points To Rashad's shirt)


(Looks down at the left side shoulder)

CHARLES: I'm guessing it's from your wife, who was trying to protect her self when you decided to beat the hell out of her, right?

RASHAD: What the hell?

(Inaudible to Charles)

I can't remember how I got this.

CHARLES: What was that? You know what, don't say another word. I'll just get someone in here to check under your fingers for DNA. I'm going to guess that her skin cells are under your nails.

(Charles gets up and leaves. He bumps into someone being taken into custody on his way out of the office).

TROY: Yo, watch where your going!

OFFICER #1: Keep it moving, tough guy!

(Turns to another officer)

Hey, Lee! Take this one to a cell.

(Turns to Charles)

We picked him up as high as a kite and swerving all over the road.

CHARLES: Does he have any priors?

OFFICER #1: Of course he does.

CHARLES: So he just doesn't care about other pedestrians or little kids that could've been playing outside.

OFFICER #1: This would be his fourth DUI this year. He actually just got off of probation last month.

CHARLES: Well how long was he on probation for?

OFFICER #1: His record said that he had two years left but, judge Johnson shortened it last month. Rumor is that dickhead is screwing Johnson's daughter.

CHARLES: I didn't know he had a daughter.

OFFICER #1: That's because it wasn't with his wife. He stepped out on her with his assistant.

CHARLES: No shit!

OFFICER #1: Shit.

(Notices the clipboard in Charles hand)

What you got there?

CHARLES: Oh, I need you to run DNA for me. That prick in there

(Points to Rashad)

Just beat the crap out of his wife and thinks he can get away with it because he has money.

OFFICER #1: One of those, huh?

CHARLES: Yeah, another one.

OFFICER #1: I'll get on it right now.

CHARLES: it looks like he has a scratch on his shoulder too. She might have given that to him, fighting him off.

OFFICER #1: Do you want me to track her down?

CHARLES: No, I'll do that.

(Hands his the clipboard)

You just make sure that that bastard can't weasel his way out of this.

OFFICER #1: You got it.

End scene

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