14. Artist's hands

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I enjoyed writing this chapter so much. Btw LOOK AT THE PICTURE OF TAE OMG whoever did this is so talented and has my respect.

You could look at the group of friends and think that they were really fine. Good grades, healthy, always on time, clean uniforms, always laughing at lunch and having a good time. Oh, how good actors they all were.

Even among them, they couldn't figure out Jimin was feeling so confused, Taehyung was scared of losing his best friend, Jin had a broken heart, Yoongi was trying so hard, but Jungkook was trying harder.

They were under a tree eating lunch and talking about playing video games and having a sleepover in Jungkook's house, when the bell rang. Everyone walked to their classes and Jimin and Taehyung went together, as always. If you're wondering, they have been acting pretty normal around each other. Like nothing happened.

"You have physics, right?" Taehyung asked, when he was in front of his art class.


"Would you skip it for me?"

"Why?" Jimin was surprised because Taehyung had never asked him to skip a class.

"I need a model and I forgot to ask someone. Besides, it's easier to paint you." He smiled and Jimin couldn't help to do the same.

"Alright. Just because I can catch up easily."

"Smug." Taehyung laughed. They entered the classroom and Jimin wanted to run away when he saw what was going on. He really tried to run away, but Taehyung was faster and caught him. "Please, I knew you wouldn't accept if I told you, but please-"

"They're naked!" Jimin tried to escape from Taehyung's grip, but it was in vain. "I'm out of here."

"They're not. They're semi. Please, Jiminie. Help me out." Taehyung begged. "I'll pay you."

"I'm not stripping and posing for you to paint me even if you pay me."

"I'll do anything." Taehyung insisted, and suddenly Jimin stopped his tussle and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, please help me or the teacher won't let me present my final project."

"I don't know, Tae."

"I'll do it." A girl spoke and Taehyung knew that voice too well. They turned to see her, and she had her usual smug smile.

"What?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

"I'll do it." She repeated.

"B-but you're a girl."

"So?" She asked. "You prefer guys?"

"I-I..." The girl started to take off her blouse and Taehyung stopped her in the act. "Hyejin, stop!" Taehyung screamed.

"Oh, God. I leave you for three minutes and you're already scaring boys." A blonde Yongsun talked. "I'm sorry, Taehyung. Hyejin was supposed to be someone else's model, but she didn't come."

"That's why I offered to help him." Hyejin smiled with her red lips, again attempting to take her blouse off. "Let me help you, Taehyung."

"There's no need for that. I'm his model." A voice spoke behind the three. And Taehyung couldn't help smiling when he saw a serious Jimin, taking off his shirt. Both girls stared at Jimin's torso with wide eyes.

No one had the chance to say something, because the teacher entered the class, and everyone started moving to their respective easels. Jimin wondered how everyone could be so confident and shameless about this whole situation.

SOULMATEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora