22 - Make Me Leave

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Nala watches as Jasper stands with his brothers and father, as well as Peter and Charlotte. After the party yesterday the whole mood changed in an instant; why, you ask? Because Maria will be here very shortly with Leon and their son. And then they're off to meet with this immortal threatening Maria.

Jasper has told her all about Dacre. He's a powerful being, despite having no gift - though many say his gift is his charm. He can easily charm his way out of anything, unless you know him the way Jasper and Maria did, his tamer and creator. Dacre was about 25 when he was turned and he was always tough to handle, even for Jasper who trained the other handlers.

That's what has her worried; even with Emmetts braun, Edward's ability to hear his ever decision, Jasper's knowledge of combat and the numbers, Dacre won't go down without a fight. And they believe he's made a few 'friends' along the way, whom also have a vendetta against Maria. She feels guilty for suggesting to help the bitch but they should - being the bigger person is what she's taught their daughter and she'll stick by it.

Jasper looks over at her and winks gently making her smile. She sighs as he goes back to talking, so she heads to check on Lilo. She finds her reading a book in the armchair beside the crib, in which Esther sleeps peacefully.

Nala smiles. "Hi pickle, what're you doing?" She whispers as she kneels.

"Protecting Effie and learning about biology." She says softly - the book she's reading is far too advanced for her age, being one of her pops medical books, but she understands every word of it.

Nala smiles at her brain box. "Oh yeah? Well what are you protecting sissy from?" She asks curious.

Li shrugs. "The bad people coming."

Nala frowns. "What bad people?"

"I heard you and daddy talking about some bad people after his friend. That's why Peter and Char are here, and why that meanie woman is coming even though you hate her." She says simply.

Wow, kids really hear everything. "Well, you don't have to worry, no one's going to get hurt. Dad's just going to talk to an old friend, sort out a little disagreement. Like the one you had at school when mommy had to come in, remember? You and Taylor disagreed about something and we had to all sort it out together. "

Lilo nods then shrugs. "Okay. But I'm still here just incase."

Nala laughs gently and kisses the kids head. "Okay, I love you. Don't wake your sister." She says as she tucks the blanket over Esther more. Lilo nows and smiles as her mom leaves, getting engrossed in her book again.

Nala sighs as she heads downstairs; she finds Esme making cookies in the kitchen. "Gosh they smell good."

She smiles. "I thought they might help you... I know you comfort eat when stressed."

Nala blushes. "Is it that obvious?"

Esme holds up her fingers a smudge apart as she smiles. "Yes just a little. You shouldn't be worried"

"Are you?" Nala grosses her arms.

"I mean.." Esme hesitates. "Yes, I suppose I am. But only because they're my sons."

"And its my mate. My brothers." Nala says. "I'm just a little concerned as to how this Dacre is going to respond; he doesn't sound like a very approachable individual."

"We all are." Esme says gently as she squeezes Nala's hand. "But let's not dwell on it." She says as she pulls the tray out of the oven.

Nala snatches a cookie. "Oh ouch that's hot." She hisses as she juggles the cookie from hand to hand, heading outside. She takes a bite as she heads over to Jasper who turns to laugh.

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