The Story Begins!

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Sonic had a pretty normal day by far. Tails flew to Sonic. "Hey Sonic! I found Mail!" His little buddy yelped excitely, as his new watch arrived. Sonic smiled, a little grin. "Cool, little bro." But little did Sonic know, Something was abovehead. A... portal, Eggman smiled happily "Heh, heh, heh, I have found a different world with a different power! How do I get into their code?" Eggman said. "Maybe, type this button" Said Orbot, Eggman's companion. "Yes, that may work..." Eggman said....

Sonic and Tails walked inside their shack. And they were eating breakfast. Tails was trying on his watch, feeling as hyped as he'd ever been. This watch was special, it was the Scientific-Magic Watch. A ridiculous name. But, he'd won it 1st place in his science contest. He had to wait 2 whole weeks. Meanwhile, Eggman got a signal. He saw varieties of different people... or stuff. He saw a green dragon fly by. He saw a pink candy women and a mermaid. How weird.. Eggman thought He needed 9 minutes to suck them in to this world. He chose a portal... that was pink.


But little did Eggman know, this was Inkwell Isle. Cups, dragons, robots, dice-heads, mermaids, myths were perfectly normal here. And this was the home of Cuphead and Mugman. 2 cups who had defeated The Evil One, it was a long story. And it had happened a year before this. Maybe even 2 years. Cuphead had been more peaceful and careful on his choices since then. And Mugman liked to sit in the shade of the nice home of Elder Kettle. Cuphead grinned at the thought. He always would remember defeating the Evil One, as it was a nice thought. Life was wonderful.

Cuphead was at a major picnic with every civillian. It was such a lovely and wonderful day... until... this happened...

Then suddenly, everything got windy. The wind was going VERY fast, it was unsettling. "What's going on?" His brother, Mugman asked. "LOOK!" Weepy, a talking onion yelled. A pink portal was opening up.

The Root Pack started getting sucked in. And they flew in. "Hey, that's not cool!" Cuphead yelled. Grim Matchstick, Wally, and Sally got sucked in. And there went Baroness and her candy group. Hilda, Cagney, Ribby and Croaks got sucked in. So did Beppi, Elder Kettle, and Djimmi. Werner and his cat got sucked in. So did Cala, The phantom Express, Dr Kahl, and Rumor Honeybottoms. Goopy Le Grande got sucked in. The only people left, Cuphead and Mugman, who were holding on. Mugman could barely hold on. " CUPHEAD!!!!!" Mugman yelled as he finally let go and got sucked into the portal that led to their doom.

All Cuphead could remember was hearing those words, letting go, and seeing pink everywhere. It was probably the end of the world. At least he couldn't feel anything....

Sonic kept hearing thuds, he looked outside. Above him was a giant pink portal. Stuff you'd never imagine was falling. A train, a 12 foot long dragon, a mug, a cup, a robot, a pink women, a mermaid, a strechy clown, a kettle, a frog and toad, a genie, a rat and a cat, a queen bee thats 6 feet long, a flower, a human blimp, a bird, a teleporting performer, multiple veggies and that was it...

"COME ON TAILS, WE GOTTA SAVE THESE PEOPLE!" Sonic yelled, not believeing what he was seeing. Knuckles, Mighty, Ray, Tails, And Sonic started dashing and getting people safely to the ground. Even Amy and Sally helped. Everyone was dazed...

Cuphead woke for about 10 seconds, everything was blurry, he saw all his friends passed out, including Mugman, then he saw a shadow that looked somewhat like a hedgehog, a fox, a echidna, a squirel, and a armadillo. Then he passed out...

Cuphead and Sonic [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now