e i g h t e e n - c o n t i n u a t i o n o f e n c o u n t e r

30 14 5

"We're here."

Remi looked up from his lap to see a huge house - no, mansion, in front of them.

"You live here?!" Remi asked in disbelief. Chucking, Hunter got out, Remi following after.

"It's a private house," Hunter replied.

"Still, you live here," muttered the boy. He was too much in shock to actually start walking. Smiling, Hunter grabbed his hand and led him towards the front door. He unlocked the door and went in, still holding onto Remi.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" Hunter asked after he shut the door behind them. He had Remi against the wall, both hands at the sides of his head.

Remi gulped and looked away from Hunter's face.

"Can I tell you tomorrow? I'm sleepy," Remi said as he faked a yawn. Laughing a little, Hunter lowered his head before looking back at Remi with a grin.

"Fine, but you're sleeping with me," Hunter said as he backed away from Remi, slowly walking over to the stairs. Remi stood there shocked but wasted no time in removing his shoes and following Hunter.

Hunter brought him into one of the closes bedrooms before taking off his shirt and joggers, Remi, of course, staring intensely at the man's back. Climbing into bed, Hunter instructed him to turn off the lights and come over. Remi swallowed hard and nodded, removing his shirt and shutting the lights off.

He hesitated for a while and Hunter noticed. Getting up, he grabbed the boys hand and pulled him onto the bed.

"You know, I'm not gonna rape you right?" Hunter asked with a chuckle. Remi's cheeks flushed red and he turned around so his back was facing Hunter. It wasn't too dark, they could see each other's body, face, movements, everything.

"Sh-shut up."

Remi brought his knees up a little, curling into a ball. Hunter grinned and dropped his arm around the small boy's waist.

"Goodnight, mi princesa," Hunter said shutting his eyes.

"It's in the morning," Remi grumbled and shut his eyes as well. He snuggled closer to Hunter before falling asleep.


The next morning, Remi woke up to someone running their fingers through his hair. Opening his eyes, Remi cheeks flushed red when he realized Hunter had him against his chest, playing with his hair.

"Ohayo," Hunter greeted with a wide toothy grin.

"Did I say it right?" He asked causing Remi to laugh and nod. Getting up, he rubbed both his eyes, yawning in the process.


Remi stopped and looked at Hunter confused.

"What's cute?" He asked. Seconds later, before Hunter could answer, he realized what he meant.

"Shut up," He said before Hunter could respond. Hunter chuckled and sat up.

"Now will you tell me?" He asked, tilting his head. Remi smirked and shook his head.

"Brush your teeth first." He said and winked before running out of the room.

"Well, that was cruel!" Hunter yelled out to him. He smiled and went over to the bathroom. He grabbed two toothbrushes before putting some toothpaste on both. Walking back out, he searched for Remi to find him in the living room. He pursed his lips and grabbed the boy's hand, dragging him back upstairs and into the bathroom.

"Hey, let go! I'll brush my teeth later!"

Ignoring Remi, Hunter shut and locked the door before handing him a toothbrush.

"Yeah, lock it like I can't just unlock it myself," Remi said and rolled his eyes. Shrugging, Hunter placed the brush in his mouth and moved his hand in a circular motion. Remi followed and soon, they found themselves in front of the mirror brushing their teeth.

Hunter glanced at the boy who looked like he was fighting with his teeth and grinned. He stopped and grabbed his hand.

"You're doing it wrong."

Moving his hand in a circular motion, Remi blinked as he stared at Hunter.

"That way you're getting everywhere," Came from Hunter. Remi nodded as he took the toothbrush and followed what he showed him. When they were done, he turned to him.

"You know I can brush my own teeth right?"

Hunter grinned and shrugged.

"I know."

He unlocked the door and they both went downstairs.

"You wanna eat here or-"


Hunter grinned at how quickly he replied and nodded.

"What do you want?" He asked. Remi looked at him and frowned.

"Anything." He replied. Confused, Hunter walked over to him.

"Why the frown?" He asked. Remi bit his bottom lip and looked away as Hunter cupped his cheek.

"Just go make something," Remi said and pouted a little. Hunter let go of his face and did what he said.

Minutes later, he came back with two eggs and ham sandwiches.

"Give me your phone," Hunter said as he sat down next to Remi, handing him his plate. Remi raised an eyebrow but gave it to him before digging in.

Hunter quickly went to contacts and changed his name to something he's sure Remi wouldn't like. Smirking, he turned it off and handed it back to Remi when he was done.

"What did you do?" Remi asked. Hunter shrugged and grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. Remi didn't let that bother him though. Instead, he turned to face the TV, pushing the thoughts of Hunter doing something stupid on his phone, to the back of his head.

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