t w e n t y n i n e

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Hunter grinned as he crawled over to Remi who sat on Hunter's couch. On all fours, Hunter pushed out his lower lip in a pout and furrowed his eyebrows as if he were a puppy.

Raising an eyebrow, Remi placed his phone down and looked at the so-called 'man' in front of him.

"What?" He asked. Hunter grinned like before and placed both his hands on Remi's knees so that he was now kneeling.

"Nothing, I just missed you." Hunter's personality and mood changed instantly as he shot Remi a warm-hearted smile. With flushed cheeks, Remi looked away.


Chuckling, Hunter tilted his head to the side.

"You grew your hair?" He asked and Remi nodded.

"It looks good." Bringing his hand up, Hunter ran his fingers through the boy's hair as Remi finally made eye contact with him. Remi gritted his teeth and slapped his hand away.

"Shut up and get off the floor," He said. Hunter did as Remi said and sat down next to him, making sure there was no space between them. Frowning, Remi scooted over to which Hunter copied him. This went on until Remi was at the end of the couch, where he couldn't move.

Sighing, Remi got up, but before he could walk to the other side of the room, Hunter grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him onto his lap.

"Don't move." He whispered in his ear as he wrapped his arms around Remi's waist, laying his head on his back.

Remi's breath hitched and he swallowed hard as he felt warmth wrap around his body. He loved it, but he wouldn't let Hunter know of this.

"Why are you doing this?" Remi asked as he lowered his head and brought his hand up to Hunter's arms. He brushed his fingers over them which raised goosebumps on his skin.

"I don't know, can't I hug you?" Hunter asked. Remi grumbled words underneath his breath and shifted so that his side was facing Hunter. He looked down at him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"This isn't hugging," he said. Hunter chuckled and shrugged as he looked up at the boy's blue eyes which were desperately searching for answers.

"For me it is."

Rolling his eyes, Remi brought a hand up to Hunter's hair, smiling like a fool. He loved having Hunter's arms around him. He loved hearing and seeing the man again.

He found himself slowly falling in love with him without realizing it.

"Such a wonderful smile, I missed it." Snapping Remi out of his thoughts, Hunter brought his free hand up to Remi's face, placing his thumb on his bottom lip, his index at the side of his chin, whilst his middle finger was under. He used his thumb to bring Remi's lower lip down so that his mouth was slightly open.

Heat rushed up to Remi's face and he looked away. His heart was pounding against his chest, getting ready to leap out at any given moment. He could hear it, it was louder than anything in the room.

"Look at me," Hunter whispered dangerously low as he slowly leaned forward. Remi obeyed and glanced at Hunter, his eyes slowly shutting awaiting for something he wanted so badly at that time.

When his eyes were halfway shut, Hunter let go of his lip and leaned a little closer, waiting for the younger boy's eyes to close. When it did, he paused staring in awe at the sight in front of him. He wanted so badly to kiss Remi, but he couldn't seeing that they've only been talking for a few months over the phone and barely meet up in person due to the fact that Remi was constantly traveling.

Seconds went by and they were both in the same position. Remi started to panic and shortly after, opened his eyes to find a smirking Hunter.

"You want this just as much as I do, don't you." Came from Hunter. Breathing heavily, Remi looked away.

"Sh-shut up."

Hunter cackled and gently removed the boy from his lap.

"How about I make something for the two of us to eat, yeah?"

cookies [BoyxBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora