t h i r t y

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"Thank you."

The two were now standing in front of Remi's uncle's house. The moon was already out, the street lights were on and there weren't that many people outside.

Hunter beamed and pulled Remi in for a hug.

"You really love hugs," Remi said as he wrapped his arms around Hunter.

"No, I just love hugging you," Hunter replied truthfully. Remi blushed and shut his eyes tightly as he gripped Hunter's shirt. He didn't want to say goodbye, he wished he could've stayed the night-- heck --stay forever, but he knew that wouldn't happen yet.

Just a few more months and he'll be there for good.

Hunter tried to pull away but Remi kept them both in place. Smiling, Hunter rested his chin against the top of Remi's head and rocked them side to side slowly.

Butterflies were flying around in both of their stomachs as cupid smiled down at them in satisfaction. The two were meant to be, after all.

"You know I can just call you when I get back home right?"

Remi reopened his eyes and yanked himself away from Hunter as those words left his mouth. His face was entirely red to which Hunter noticed and burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry I ruined the moment," he said between laughter. Glaring in another direction, Remi grabbed his suitcases and speed-walked over to the front door.

Questions were filling his head. Questions like, why was he feeling this way? Why was his heart racing so much? Why did he want Hunter to kiss him just a while back? Questions he'd yet to get answers for.

"Wait!" Hunter called out, darting after him. Remi halted and turned to face him. Before he could process what was happening, Hunter lifted his head up and brought it to the side, smashing his lips against his left cheek. Sucking in a deep breath, Remi's toes curled in his shoes as his entire body got warm from just one kiss on the cheek.

He wasn't holding onto the suitcases anymore, in fact, he was now holding onto Hunter's arms as his breath hitched. He wished it wasn't his cheeks and that it was his lips. He wished that Hunter would just pin him against the wall and press his lips against his.

That's all he wanted.

"Goodnight, princesa." Pulling away, Hunter winked at the astonished boy and backed away from him.

Remi blinked before turning around and walked into the house, dragging his luggage with him.

He dropped them at the door before shutting it and running up the stairs, straight into his room, dismissing everyone who called out for him. He didn't want to hear anyone right now, he didn't want to interact with any of them.

He just wanted some time to himself as he thought about the gorgeous man who almost, and did, kiss him.

Remi made a promise to himself that night that no matter what, he would never fall in love with him. Of course, he didn't realize at that time that he already did.

Hunter, on the other hand, made a promise to himself on the day Remi left to go back to Saint Lucia, that when he came back, he'd try his hardest to make the younger boy fall in love with him.

And his plan was definitely working.

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