Chapter 2

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Bella's pov

When I got to the grill I parked Damon's car in the car park and then I got out of the car and I walked over to the grill and then I opened the grill and I saw there was a lot of people there for a Saturday night so I looked around but I couldn't see Matt yet so I went over to the bar and I sat down and waited and as I was waiting 2 men came over to my and one of them said hello there what's your name pretty and I said non of your business now bugger off and he just laughed and said well dear I'm Klaus and beside me is my brother Kol and we just want to have a little fun.

I then just said oh yeah so do I with my boyfriend and then I said as I saw Matt walk in the grill doors sorry boys got to go oh and by the way my name is Bella Bella Salvatore and they both gasped but I just walked on over to Matt and when I got to him he said sorry I'm late and I said no problem and then Matt said lets go get a table and I said as Matt took my hand and led me over to a table at the far side wall sure why not as then once we got to the table we sat down and for about 2 hours we had the best date ever we ate and then we danced for a bit and then we talked about our lives and were we go from here.

I don't know where it came from but out of the blue Matt said said hey Bella do you want to go out again tomorrow again and just as I was about to say yes I would love to Stefan walked up to the table and said no sorry Matt Bella won't be going on another date for quite a while and he grabbed my arm and said lets go Bella and he pulled me away from the table and I just said I call you tomorrow Matt and he said sure Bella and then Stefan brought me out of the grill and he put me into his car and then he got in and started the car and he drove off and as he was driving he gave me such looks and that's when I knew I was seriously in trouble and as he was driving.

I was getting scared so I just said where's Damon and Stefan said he's taking care of his car which you stole and hot wired and I said I didn't steel I just used it for a while and Stefan said this isn't funny Bella and I said I know I'm sorry as we pulled into the drive way where I saw Damon's car which meant he was home and so Stefan stopped the car and he got out and said lets go Bella and so I got out after him and we both made our way into the house and when we got into the house Damon was standing there looking angry at me and I just said Damon please let me explain and he said no Bella you disobeyed both me and Stefan we both said no that you couldn't go but yet you went anyway.

I said I know because I had already told Matt I was going and Stefan said we don't care you went behind our backs and you took Damon's car without ask no and you also hot wired it and for that you are grounded for 2 weeks you will not talk to any of your friends and you will not be going to any party's your friends invite you to and you are not to see Matt until we say and then I said loud enough for the street to here what no that's not fair please don't.

Damon then said right that's enough Bella you will do what we ask when we ask it and the first thing I ask is that you hand over your phone right now and I said no it's mine and I ran up to my room crying and when I got to my room I went inside and I closed my door and I ran over to my bed and I lied down on it and I started crying even more but then a few minutes later my room door opened and I headed Stefan say right Bella you have pushed us to our limit and then I turned around and saw Stefan standing there and Damon unplugging my TV and my computer and then he took them out of the room.

So I said no wait you can't do that and Stefan said as he walked over to the bed yes we can we are your brothers and your guardians now give me your phone and I knew I couldn't win so I just said fine and handed him my phone and he said thank you now stay in this room and don't come out of it until you are ready to apologise to us and Elena do you understand me and I just said yes I do and then he left my room and shut my door and then I turned back to my bed and I just lied there bored and I cried myself to sleep.

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