Chapter 19

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Bella's pov

When I got back to Stefan and Damon's house I parked the car and then grabbed the spell book and then got out of the car and then I walked over to their house and I opened the front door then I walked into the living room to see Stefan and Damon sitting on the couch playing with Bailey, Kaden and Addison who now looked about 8 years old so I walked over to them and sat down beside them and Stefan looked up at me and said so what happened.

Then I said well she couldn't do it she's too weak and Damon said well we did tell you that and I said yeah I know that's why she made me a witch so I could do it instead and Stefan gasped and said wait what so your a hybrid and a witch now and I said no in order for her to do it she had to take away my vampire side and make it a witch instead and Damon said wait so you can do everything she can and I said yeah I can and then I heard crying so I looked down to the floor and I saw that Addison was crying so I picked her up and I started to calm her down.

So I looked at her and I said hey baby girl it's ok what happened and then she said Bailey hit me and so I calmed her down so that she wasn't crying anymore and finally she fell asleep so I looked at Stefan and I said could you put her to bed and Stefan said yeah sure no problem and then he stood up and took Addison off of me and walked upstairs and then I looked at Damon and I said is Charlotte, Christine, Austin and Oliver asleep and Damon said yeah they fell asleep 2 hours ago.

I then said well good they need it and then I looked down to the floor and I said Bailey why did you hit your sister and Bailey said she had my toy I'm sorry mama and I said its ok but you say sorry in the morning ok and he said ok mama I promise and I said thank you and then I looked to Damon as Stefan walked back in and I said Damon could you bring Bailey upstairs to bed and Damon said sure Bella and so Damon lifted Bailey up from the floor and took him upstairs to bed as well and so I then looked at Kaden.

Then I said you tired baby and he said yes mama and I said as I picked him up in my arms ok let's go to bed yeah and Kaden said yeah mama and so I walked upstairs and I went into Kaden's room and I changed him into his PJ's and then put him into his bed and then I made my way out of his room and I shut his door and then I went into all of my kids rooms and I checked they where all asleep and once I checked I headed back downstairs again to phone my family and pack and then to do the spell.

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