Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

Once I was done packing and I put Oliver and Austin in their carry on car seats I said as I looked at Charlotte ok sweetie you ready to go and Charlotte said as she lifted her bag onto her shoulder yes mommy all ready and I said as the door opened ok sweetie and then I looked to the door and I saw Jane and Alec with a bag each and I also saw Aro behind them pushing a pram in with a little girl about 5 years old in it and room for 2 more kids and so once the 4 of them got to me and Charlotte and the twins Jane said as she and Alec ran over to me and hugged me excitedly we get to go with you Bella we can't wait and I said well that's good.

Alec then looked at me and said Bella can we call you mom and Paul dad and I said yes of course you can call me mom but you'd have to ask Paul when we get back and then both Alec and Jane said thank you Bella and ran over to Charlotte and hugged her and they started talking to each other as Aro walked over to me and he said Bella it's ok for both Jane and Alec to go with you it will be good for them to have a family but if I may ask could you please take my dead wife's daughter Christine with you and raise her as your own because every time I see her daughter she reminds me of my dead wife and I don't want to be reminded of her.

I then said I'd be happy to Aro but I have a lot of kids now and I don't even know that Paul will want that many kids and then Aro said I know but please I mean Jane and Alec are big now that they can look after themselves most times and then it only leaves you Charlotte and Oliver and Austin to look after please Bella I would be really thankful and I said as I looked at Christine in the pram and I saw she was looking really sad and so I felt sorry for her and I said to Aro as I took both Oliver and Austin out of their car seats and put them into the pram with Christine ok Aro I'll take her with me and then Aro said as he lift the room thanks Bella and I said your welcome and then I went over to the pram and I took ahold of it and I looked at Jane, Alec and Charlotte.

I said ok can you please grab the bags I've got to push the pram and the 3 of them said ok mom or sure mommy and then Jane, Alec and Charlotte all grabbed the bags and then we all went to the castle doors and I opened them and we all walked out the doors and I took out my phone and phoned a taxi and order one and once I ordered it we only waited for 10 minutes and then once it came Jane, Alec and Charlotte all got into the car and I went to the front of the pram and I took Oliver out of his chair and I went back over to the taxi and put Oliver onto Jane's knee and made sure they were both strapped in.

Then I went back over to the pram and I lifted Christine out of the pram and I went over to the taxi again and I put her into the taxi on Alec's knee and then I made sure that both of them strapped in and then I strapped Charlotte into the taxi and then I closed the taxi door and I went back over to the pram and I lifted Austin out of it and as I did the taxi man took the pram and put it into the boot and then got into the taxi again and then I got into the taxi with Austin and I strapped me and Austin into the seat as well and then I shut the car door and then the car drove away from the castle and the taxi drove us all back to la push.

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